Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgery

Can physical therapy help my mom?

My mom had surgery in her hand and is still recovering from it. She can't completely close it. Can physical therapy help her? Or should she go for occupational?

10 Answers

Yes, there are specialists in physical therapy and occupational therapy that focus on hands. Look up hand therapy in your area and there are many techniques they can use. if you had surgery, generally your surgeon will prescribe post-surgical therapy to get back to your best function
All dependent the type of surgery recommendation by the surgeon. Generally speaking occupational therapist can help more with the hand problem
Both should be able to help. Historically, occupational therapy handles hand injuries, but physical therapists are more than capable of handling these injuries, too.
It’s abnormal after surgery to have limited mobility, etc. I would go to a physiatrist to have an examination and then a treatment plan. Physio is good for her to get the correct exercises, but getting a medical doctor to make sure all is okay post-surgery.
I hope this helps.
Hello there,

To answer your question, either discipline can work with post surgical forearm, wrist hand rehabilitation, however, in my experience, occupational can focus on the more intricate, fine motor work.
She should probably go for occupational therapy and see a certified hand therapist (CHT). They in general have more experience treating hand conditions than physical therapists. However, there are some physical therapists that are also certified hand therapists so a PT with a CHT degree would be appropriate as well
Occupational therapists are trained for hand and arm therapy. They most certainly will be able to help with your mom's recovery.
Generally speaking, a patient with a hand issue is usually seen by an occupational therapist; and there are some occupational therapist who only treat or specialize in hand therapy.
A certified hand therapist would be the best choice. Usually, they are occupational therapy trained. But there are some physical therapists who are certified hand therapists also.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.
Occupational therapy would likely be best. You should speak to her surgeon for a referral.