Share Your Coping Strategies

Deidre Tranter Fibromyalgia

I was diagnosed back in 2000 for Fibromyalgia. I was 40 years old. I started out with muscle pain in my thighs and it gradually spread everywhere else except my lower legs and lower arms. I was diagnosed with Arthritis back in my early 30's in my hands and knees. Everything else I have, I have spent a lot of money on trying...

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What do you do when you're feeling upset?

I will either stay in my room and talk to my friends on the net or I will do volunteer work. I also write out what is upsetting me and get it out of my system. When I have a friend available that can walk with me, I like to walk on a trail by the rivers where I live. 

What keeps you going?

My grandchildren, my two son's, and my friends. You have unconditional love there and even though some of them are not old enough to understand, they care about me. I love the hugs and kisses from my grandchildren.