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What Doctor Can I See if I Have Genital Herpes?
Healthy Living

What Doctor Can I See if I Have Genital Herpes?

Finding a doctor to correctly diagnose genital herpes can be difficult. Reporting symptoms as soon as they appear will help doctors to provide treatments on time before complications arise, and this is especially important for pregnant women who have genital herpes. Read this article to know more about which doctor to see if you have genital herpes.
Are You Aware of the Symptoms Associated with Graves' Disease?
Healthy Living

Are You Aware of the Symptoms Associated with Graves' Disease?

Graves' disease is a condition that affects thyroid production in the body which can result in hormonal imbalances. Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease which can get complicated when left untreated.
Does Diabetes Increase My Risk of Developing Kidney Stones?
Healthy Living

Does Diabetes Increase My Risk of Developing Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are ball-like structures that form in the kidneys and other organs in the urinary tract system of a person. Diabetes can cause certain conditions in the body that may make a person more susceptible to developing kidney stones. Read on to learn more about why diabetes may lead to kidney stones.
When Should I See a Doctor if I have Back Pain?
Healthy Living

When Should I See a Doctor if I have Back Pain?

Most cases of back pain do not usually require treatment by a doctor. However, if you have numbness or severe pain that doesn’t improve with over the counter medications and rest, or if you have pain after a fall or an injury, you should see your doctor immediately. Also, if the pain is accompanied with other problems like trouble urinating, weakness, numbness in your legs; fever, or unintentional weight loss, it requires urgent treatment. Many different types of doctors treat back pain, from primary care physicians to doctors who specialize in disorders of the nerves and musculoskeletal system.
What to Expect After Having an Ablation
Healthy Heart

What to Expect After Having an Ablation

It is normal to feel tired and worn out for a day or two after undergoing the procedure. Other side effects such as chest discomfort and heart palpitations are also normal, and they will go away with time.
Cryotherapy and Weight Loss
Healthy Living

Cryotherapy and Weight Loss

You have probably heard about cryotherapy for speeding up the recovery or relieving pain. But have you heard about the use of cryotherapy in losing weight? Yes, you can lose up to 800 calories with a single cryotherapy session of about 3 minutes.
What is a Prefrontal Lobotomy?
Healthy Living

What Is a Prefrontal Lobotomy?

Prefrontal lobotomy is a type of lobotomy which involves reaching the frontal part of the brain from the gap of the eye socket. This procedure was developed by Freeman and Watts based on the typical lobotomy procedure invented by Moniz. Read on and learn more about prefrontal lobotomy.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
Healthy Living

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in the rectum, which is the last section of the digestive system. They can also occur at the opening of the anus. Read on to learn more about the causes hemorrhoids.
What Are Phytosterols?
Healthy Living

What are Phytosterols?

Phytosterols are an exciting new addition to diet plans, and are designed to reduce cholesterol. Read this article to learn about the mechanics of phytosterols and how to include more in your diet.
Hysterectomy: What to Expect During Your Recovery
Women's Health

Hysterectomy: What to Expect During Your Recovery

As a hysterectomy involves organ removal, specifically the uterus, it is a major operation done under general anesthesia, and a reasonable post-surgical recovery period is a must. But unlike many other major operations, a hysterectomy is much easier to recover from and does not seriously impair one's ability to resume normal activities at home and work, provided that strenuous activities are avoided.
What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts

Diarrhea is a very common disease that attacks the digestive system, causing the abnormally frequent passing of loose stool. The disease can be classified into two or three types depending on the cause, symptoms, and duration.
Beauty and Anti Aging

12 Best Foods for Glowing Skin

Diet and healthy skin go hand in hand to a large extent. Here are some foods that you should incorporate in your everyday diet to promote healthy and glowing skin.
Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Healthy Living

Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is something every person can do. Even a well-organized person does it. It is a bad, yet a hard habit to break. Have you been putting things off lately? Are your deadlines getting closer and closer, and yet you keep putting it off to do it later, and in the last minute, you feel the stress and pain to complete it? If you are a procrastinator, you have to read this article. There are some tips that you can try to overcome procrastination. Scroll down the page to learn these life-changing tips.
What are the Risk Factors, and What are the Prevention Methods of Type 2 Diabetes?
Diet and Nutrition

What are the Risk Factors, and What are the Prevention Methods of Type 2 Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term medical condition that results in high levels of blood sugar in the body. Diabetes can have long term health implications that can result in various secondary health issues.
Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

There are various treatments available for erectile dysfunction. But the degree of effectiveness varies across individuals. The treatments are based on the factors that cause the condition and the severity of the situation. It is beneficial to know about the alternative treatment measures for erectile dysfunction.
Angina Pectoris: What are the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment?
Healthy Heart

Angina Pectoris: What are the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment?

Angina Pectoris is a condition associated with the arteries leading to a pain in the chest region. Angina pectoris can result into various other complications when left untreated.
What is a Lung Biopsy?
Healthy Living

What is a Lung Biopsy?

Lung biopsy is a perfect procedure which can be used to diagnose any hidden condition in the lungs. Tissue samples are taken by either open or needle biopsy and then sent to a pathologist for closer examination. The samples may also be sent to a microbiologist for culturing of any infectious microorganisms.
How to Prepare for Occupational Therapy
Healthy Living

How to Prepare for Occupational Therapy

Do you need occupational therapy? Are you just about to start it? If yes, it is normal for you to wonder about the preparation time before the therapy starts. Continue reading and learn how to prepare for occupational therapy.
What to Expect after a Bariatric Surgery
Healthy Living

What to Expect after a Bariatric Surgery

There are many things you should expect after a bariatric surgery. One major thing is weight loss. Learn more!
Can Ear Infections Cause Deafness?
Healthy Living

Can Ear Infections Cause Deafness?

Did you know that recurring ear infections may in fact cause deafness? Read this article to learn all about how ear infections can cause hearing loss and to learn about the different types that patients may experience.
What Medications Are Required to Treat Meningitis?
Healthy Living

What Medications Are Required to Treat Meningitis?

The type of treatment to use depends on the organism that causes the illness, the severity of the disease, and the age and overall health status of the patient. Understanding the signs and symptoms of meningitis can help in the early treatment of the disease. Read this article to learn more!
Treatment for Cholera
Healthy Living

Treatment for Cholera

Cholera is a contagious infection that affects mostly the intestines apart from other parts of the body. The infection is known to cause severe effects to its victims, and it has claimed the lives of thousands of people every year. Although the illness is dangerous and severe, somehow not many people are aware of it. Here are some facts and information you should know about cholera.
Alternative Treatments for Bladder Cancer
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Bladder Cancer

The treatment of bladder cancer is dependent on its stage. Apart from the common treatments for bladder cancer, there some alternative medications and procedures to help treat it. Read this article to learn more!
What are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Healthy Living

What Are the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

A review done in 11 studies to compare the improvement rates of CBT and other forms of therapy as treatments showed that CBT recorded a higher improvement rate in about 60 percent of the cases compared to the other alternative forms of therapy.
How Are Cold Sores Diagnosed?
Healthy Living

How Are Cold Sores Diagnosed?

Cold sores are contagious and can spread from one person to the other through close contact like kissing. The blisters may return time after time as there’s no cure for the infection. Cold sores are usually diagnosed just by looking at them due to their recognizable features.

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