12 Things You Didn't Know About Donald Trump's Health
1. He doesn't drink and has never used tobacco products or recreational drugs
Historically, many US presidents have had an alcoholic drink of choice. James Madison was a fan of champagne, while Teddy Roosevelt preferred mint juleps. Barack Obama even requested to brew beer at the White House--the result of which is White House Honey Ale.
But, when it comes to 45th US President Donald Trump, there is no alcohol involved. That’s right--he claims to have never had a drink in his life. This is a first among US presidents.
His complete abstinence from alcohol stems from the untimely death of his older brother, Frederick. In 1981, he died, reportedly from complications of alcoholism. He was only 42 at the time of his death.
Donald recounts of his late brother to PEOPLE magazine, “He was a great guy, a handsome person. He was the life of the party. He was a fantastic guy, but he got stuck on alcohol … And it had a profound impact and ultimately [he] became an alcoholic and died of alcoholism. He would tell me, ‘Don’t drink ever.’ He understood the problem that he had and that it was a very hard problem.”
Donald has revealed that his family dealt with a lot of stress as he grew up, especially considering family roles. When speaking about his father’s ambitions for his family, Donald said of his brother, Freddy, “[he] was caught sort of in the middle as somebody who didn’t really love it, and only because he didn’t really love it, he wasn’t particularly good at it … My father had great confidence in me, which maybe even put pressure on Fred.”
For this same reason, Donald has also never touched any recreational drugs or tobacco products. He says, out of respect for his brother, he has never had a cigarette to this day.
Photo: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore