Diet and Nutrition

Alternative Drinks for People With Type 2 Diabetes

Alternative Drinks for People with Type 2 Diabetes
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Alternative Drinks for People With Type 2 Diabetes

New research suggests the old adage, “You are what you eat,” may need to be amended to add “and what you drink.” Scientists from the University of Navarra, Spain conducted a study over a period of ten years which strongly correlated bottled juices to the development of type 2 diabetes. They stated, “Significantly, a direct link was found between a daily intake of bottled juice drinks and diabetes, with a 33 percent increase for each additional serving per day of bottled juice” (Woodfield). Conversely, the risk of type 2 diabetes decreased for the participants who drank water or fresh fruit juice, especially orange juice. Specifically, researchers found that, “when bottled juice was replaced with water, the reduction in risk was 25 percent; when substituted for fresh juice, the risk was reduced by 35 percent; and when substituted with fresh orange juice, the risk reduction was 44 percent” (Woodfield). While extensive studies and information have covered the considerable topic of food, these research findings suggest ample attention should be paid to beverages as well. 

There have already been warnings to avoid certain sugary items, especially for those suffering from diabetes. Coca Cola and Pepsi are a few such drinks that should be given up entirely. Coffee is also a silent killer since it can contain added sugar, especially the ones available in popular coffee chains.

Natural flavors are generally better than artificial ones, but they are not always the best since natural flavors may not necessarily be organic; there are chances that they could be tampered with through chemical intervention. But the good news is there are a number of alternatives that can replace sugary items. Homemade smoothies are a great option, since they are better than fruit juices, which are readily available in stores and are often loaded with added sugar, flavors, and artificial sweeteners. Whenever possible, go in for fresh fruits, and to get that milkshake texture, you can add low-fat, less sweet yogurt in combination with milk, which will also increase the protein and calcium content of the smoothie. Vegetable smoothies are another idea and can include veggies such as squash, carrots, and pumpkins. Apart from smoothies, other drinks one can opt for are carbonated water, cold or hot tea, and water with fruits, such as lemons, or herbs added to it.

Tea can be taken in any form minus the sugar or sweetening flavors. There are various kinds of tea available, such as herbal, black, green, caffeine-free, and hot or cold brewed. You can also add certain things to boost the body’s immunity, such as lemon, honey, cinnamon, or low-fat cream. These will enhance the flavor of the drink and at the same time pack it with healthy benefits. Lemon specifically is known to be good for those suffering from allergies or a cold since it helps to cut down on mucus and provides a calming, soothing effect on the throat. Cinnamon has also been proven to help improve circulation. Coffee, on the other hand, should stay simple when consumed, kept black with little to no sugar or cream. Consumption of plain coffee is linked with a reduction in the risk of various medical illnesses, such as diabetes. Slices of strawberries or lemons are said to be the most commonly used fruits in water. But any will do; mint is also known to provide that refreshing taste without the need for sugar.