Diet and Nutrition

Low Residue Foods, Menus, and More

Incorporating this diet into colonoscopy prep can also be helpful

Anyone who is scheduled to undergo a colonoscopy is aware of the clear liquid diet that's necessary prior to the procedure. After you schedule your procedure, eat a low-residue diet for a few days prior to your fasting date. Patients who have practiced a low-residue diet prior to the clear liquid diet required for a colonoscopy have showed less negative side effects of the fasting diet. Often times, patients who don’t practice a low residue diet will leave the procedure tired, weak, headache, and just feel an overall sense of unwellness, common in fasting patients. With low residue diets, patients said these side effects were all but eliminated post procedure. Using this diet as a way to prep is more appealing to patients who avoid colonoscopies all together because of past negative experiences.