White Bread: Refined carbs are a no-no.

Just like white rice, white bread has refined carbohydrates, which basically tricks the body to start digesting these foods like they were more sugary foods. Anything with refined carbs, which is any product made from white flour, can affect how you control your glucose your levels. Whole grains are always the better option, mainly because they have higher amounts of fiber and cause a slower rise in blood sugar.

But, be warned:

Even the best whole-grain breads can affect blood glucose levels. So, when you are replacing with these, make sure that you are limiting your portions. Try to stick to 1/2 to 3/4 cups of grains or 1 slice of bread.

Pancakes and Waffles: Make sure to skip this breakfast! Both have refined flour, saturated fats and sugar

Pancakes and waffles might look tasty and delicious on any IHOP commercial, but do not be fooled. Like any kitchen confection meal, pancakes and waffles use refined flour (which obviously means holds refined carbs). And aside from that, think about all that syrup and butter. You can't imagine waffles and pancakes without it, however, butter contains saturated fats which can cause all kinds of trouble for your arteries and syrup is really just sugar. Can this breakfast be altered for anyone? Not really, the best option is to skip that IHOP trip altogether or choose a low-carb meal instead.

Pickles: A high amount of sodium that causes high blood pressure

Pickles can be good at times, but you might want to skip it if sodium is an issue. Pickles usually contain a high amount of sodium, which can be bad for diabetic patients who also suffer from high blood pressure. While not everyone with diabetes suffers from high blood pressure, pickles are somewhat okay. But, be sure to eat them in moderation. 

Fruit Canned in Syrup: Drop it, this contains more sugar than you think

Fruits can give you essential carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, but some fruits have more carbs and sugar than you would think. We have mentioned fruits like bananas, melons and peaches, but fruits you get in a can are probably the worst. Stay away from them when you can. These fruits usually sit in syrup that has a high concentration of sugar. What should you do instead? Eat the fresh fruits.