Dr. April Boswell, M.D.
Dr. April Boswell practices Dermatopathology in Gastonia, NC. Dermatopathology is a medical specialty that focuses on dermatology and pathology, and involves the diagnosis of various diseases of the skin, hair, and nails by looking at cutaneous diseases at a microscopic and molecular level. By revealing the histology of diseases and results from a specific diagnostic interpretation, Dr. Boswell is able to analyze the potential causes of skin diseases at a basic level.
Dr. April Boswell, M.D.
- Gastonia, NC
- Accepting new patients
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Can sunscreen cause a skin allergy?
Yes, a small percentage of patients react to one or more of the chemical sunscreens. I would recommend trying a mineral sunscreen that contains only zinc oxide and/or titanium READ MORE
Yes, a small percentage of patients react to one or more of the chemical sunscreens. I would recommend trying a mineral sunscreen that contains only zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. Very few reactions are reported with the use of mineral sunscreens.