Jilbert Eradat, M.D.
Interventional Radiologist
Dr. Jilbert Eradat is an interventional radiologist practicing in Palmdale, CA. Dr. Eradat specializes in minimally invasive, targeted treatments. Interventional radiologists use X-Rays, MRIs and other advanced imaging to put catheters in the body in order to treat the source of the disease internally. Many conditions that once required surgery can now have less risk, less pain and fewer invasions when treated by an interventional radiologist.
Jilbert Eradat, M.D.
- Palmdale, CA
- Accepting new patients
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Is vein ablation painful?
Is vein ablation painful? I will have vein ablation treatment. Is vein ablation painful? There is minimal pain and discomfort after a vein ablation procedure. You can choose to READ MORE
Is vein ablation painful? I will have vein ablation treatment. Is vein ablation painful? There is minimal pain and discomfort after a vein ablation procedure. You can choose to be under moderate sedation during the procedure and can take Tylenol or Ibuprofen after the procedure for any pain or discomfort. Thank you