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Dr. Sean Michael Thoms, D.M.D.

Anesthesiologist | Dentist Anesthesiologist

<p>Dr. Sean Thoms is a Dentist Anesthesiologist practicing the Anesthesia Team Model in St. Louis, MO.&nbsp; He practices all aspects of general dentistry, including implant dentistry, wisdom teeth extractions, root canals, and fixed prosthodontics (crowns and bridges), while patients are under general anesthesia.&nbsp; Dr. Thoms treats adults and children with special needs, young children (ages 1-7), patients with allergies/insensitivites to local anesthetics, medically complex patients and anyone who wishes to be asleep for dentistry.</p>
11 years Experience
Dr. Sean Michael Thoms, D.M.D.
  • SIU School of Dental Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Can local anesthesia cause high blood sugar?

Local anesthesia by itself does not cause increases in blood sugar. However, the body’s stress response after injections and/or the anxiety of the dental appointment will cause READ MORE
Local anesthesia by itself does not cause increases in blood sugar. However, the body’s stress response after injections and/or the anxiety of the dental appointment will cause an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol tells your body to release the stores of sugar which in turn will cause the blood sugar to rise.