What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Apples?

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Apples?
Dr. Marina Shraga Dentist

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A Welsh proverb says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Indeed, the most popular fruit on the planet and one of the oldest human-cultivated ones earned a reputation as a “basic” product in the daily diet. Today, every recommendation on healthy nutrition and detox programs includes this fruit. So, let’s review how apples affect our body!

Apples Contributes to Weight Loss

And this is not a myth. This fruit contains only a few calories. In addition, when compared with other fruits, its glycemic index (effect on blood sugar levels) is rather low. Also, the hard structure of an apple requires thorough chewing and, therefore, more thoughtful consumption. It is important to remember that you should eat apples raw and whole, and not in the form of juices or in pieces. But to rely on the fact that you lose weight by eating an apple is not worth it.

In addition, apples contain pectin, which has a “dietary effect”. By absorbing water in the digestive tract, apple fibers begin to swell and take up more space in the stomach - this way you feel full longer.

Apples Have a Positive Effect on Tooth Enamel

The claim that apples make tooth enamel brighter and contribute to teeth whitening is not entirely wrong. This fruit really helps to fight tooth decay due to antioxidants polyphenols, which create a kind of protective film and prevent the occurrence of plaque. The moderate acidity of the apple blocks the action of bacteria. But it’s nonsense to think that eating an apple will replace brushing your teeth.

Apples Are Really Good

Apple is a really useful fruit, and not only because of its high vitamin C content. It is a source of minerals and nutrients, vitamin A, magnesium and iron. It reduces cardiovascular risks and reduces inflammation of the respiratory system. But you should not rely on its miraculous properties - after all, its useful components are not at all supernatural, and you can find them in other fruits. The amount of antioxidants in the apples is much greater than in purple fruits and berries. In addition, some varieties of apples are champions in the number of pesticides, and it will be a big mistake to believe that you can wash them with running water.

Apples Increase Seasonal Allergies

You should exclude apples from the diet if you suffer from seasonal allergies to pollen or flowers. This fruit can enhance the reaction even against the background of taking antihistamines, which becomes dangerous.

Apples Prevent Heart Diseases

Studies show that a diet rich in fiber, which is contained in apples, helps to protect against heart diseases. In addition, apples are filled with antioxidants that help with inflammation and further reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Simply put, your heart needs apples!

Apples Help to Control Diabetes

Are you worried about diabetes? In this case, fiber will help you! You already know that  apples are rich in fiber, and they have a low glycemic index. This means that although apples contain natural sugar, they release sugar into the blood at a slower rate. This means that your blood sugar level will be stable.

Apples Keep Your Immune System in a Good Condition

A diet which is rich in antioxidants helps to strengthen the immune system. In particular, red apples contain the antioxidant quercetin. Studies show that quercetin keeps the immune system in a good condition, especially when you are under stress.

Apples Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Try to start your day with a glass of fresh apple juice. In one study, mice that were given apple juice showed the best results in laboratory tests. Scientists believe that eating apples can prevent a decrease in the level of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter chemical that is essential for brain health.