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Dr. Robert Mastey, MD

Hand Surgeon

Dr. Robert Mastey is a hand surgeon practicing in Chattanooga, TN. Dr. Mastey specializes in caring for hand, wrist and forearm problems without the option of surgery unless necessary. Many hand surgeons are also experts in diagnosing and caring for shoulder and elbow problems and tend to suggest non-surgical treatments such as hand therapy or physical therapy.
Dr. Robert Mastey, MD
  • Chattanooga, TN
  • Hahnemann Medical School in Philadelphia
  • Accepting new patients

Pin in my finger

Pins may become loose but this doesn’t happen often. By keeping the area where the pin exits the skin protected, clean and dry, the pin should last for 4-6 weeks, ie the usual READ MORE
Pins may become loose but this doesn’t happen often. By keeping the area where the pin exits the skin protected, clean and dry, the pin should last for 4-6 weeks, ie the usual time before the pin is removed