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Liz Greenhill, LAC, MACOM


Liz Greenhill is an acupuncturist practicing in Portland, Oregon at her solo clinic Night Sky Acupuncture. Nationally and state certified in acupuncture and herbalism, Liz evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of Oriental Medicine, integrating acupressure, somatic practices, and guided visualization for a comprehensive approach that is relaxing, reparative, and restorative. Liz also offers house calls, pop-up group experiences, acupuncture for creativity, embodiment classes, and can be a consultant for bringing acupuncture into integrative clinics and holistic innovative practices for medical research think tanks. 
16 years Experience
Liz Greenhill, LAC, MACOM
  • Portland, OR
  • Oregon College of Oriental Med
  • Accepting new patients

How To Untrain Your Mind In Times Of Stress

Pre-modern medicines were built around the idea that our bodies mirror our landscapes. Our ancestors used metaphors of the earth, trees, and rivers, for example, to better understand...