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Dr. Debra R. Haselton, D.D.S.


Dr. Debra Haselton is a prosthodontist practicing in Richmond, VA. Dr. Haselton specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Prosthodontists maintain oral function, comfort and the appearance and health either with the natural teeth or the replacement of missing ones with maxillofacial tissues and artificial substances.
Dr. Debra R. Haselton, D.D.S.
  • Richmond, VA
  • Accepting new patients

How are veneers attached to your teeth?

When a tooth is prepared for a veneer, a small amount of the outer layer of enamel is prepared (shaved away); The veneer then replaces this and also creates the desired new contour READ MORE
When a tooth is prepared for a veneer, a small amount of the outer layer of enamel is prepared (shaved away); The veneer then replaces this and also creates the desired new contour and shade. The veneer is made of ceramic and the inner side of the veneer that bonds to the tooth enamel is treated so the veneer cement can bond to it and then the veneer is bonded to the tooth enamel with the special veneer resin cement. The bond of the resin cement to enamel is very strong.