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Dr. Claire Larson Isbell, M.D.

Trauma Surgeon

Dr. Claire Isbell is a trauma surgeon practicing in Dallas, TX. Dr. Isbell specializes in both operative and non-operative management to treat life threatening, traumatic injuries. Some commonly operated areas include the stomach, colon, spleen and pancreas and trauma surgeons also work with other surgeons to stabilize patients in critical condition. Typically, trauma surgeons work in the emergency care area of a hospital.
Dr. Claire Larson Isbell, M.D.
  • Dallas, TX
  • Accepting new patients

How can a trauma surgeon help my son recover from a car crash?

I’m sorry that your son was in an accident. It is terribly upsetting. Seeing a trauma surgeon would be helpful for management of physical injuries and referrals for others to READ MORE
I’m sorry that your son was in an accident. It is terribly upsetting.
Seeing a trauma surgeon would be helpful for management of physical injuries and referrals for others to assist. However, I do recommend some psychological therapy for your son if he hasn’t seen someone before. Accidents can also cause emotional trauma and a stress response that needs attention. Trauma surgeons do not usually have this area of expertise but may be able to find someone who does. Make sure you choose providers who specialize in children.