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Dr. Steven Andriola, M.D.

Sports Medicine Specialist | Sports Medicine

Dr. Steven Andriola is an orthopaedic surgeon practicing in North Andover, MA. Dr. Andriola specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, diseases and disorders of the bodys musculoskeletal system. As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Andriola tends to bones, ligaments, muscles, joints, and tendons. His specialties include
Sports Medicine, Total Joint Replacement, Reconstruction and Trauma, cartilage preservation surgery and Mako Total Knee Replacement. Dr. Andriola also Performs the BEAR Implant for patients with ACL tears, which is a new approach to helping patients hear their own ACL tears.

*Please see our website
for questions about spine injuries as Dr. Andriola does not specialize in the treatment of the spine, but our practice has many other providers who do!
32 years Experience
Dr. Steven Andriola, M.D.
  • Andover, MA
  • Umdnj-New Jersey Med Sch- Newark Nj
  • Accepting new patients

How long should I take Axogurd Nt

How does Dr. Andriola respond he has no log in information can u send us/me the link: Thanks! Kerry Sullivan Marketing Director READ MORE
How does Dr. Andriola respond he has no log in information can u send us/me the link: Thanks! Kerry Sullivan Marketing Director Forwarding Email: C: 617.645.5414

How do you know if your Achilles tendon is torn or ruptured?

In the majority of cases, an Achilles year is the result of a traumatic injury. Often, it occurs during sports and mostly non-contact. The patient will feel and hear a pop in the READ MORE
In the majority of cases, an Achilles year is the result of a traumatic injury. Often, it occurs during sports and mostly non-contact. The patient will feel and hear a pop in the back of the ankle with immediate pain and swelling. Usually, there is significant weakness and difficulty walking, but often patients can walk with a limp. The best way to determine the diagnosis is to see an orthopedic specialist as quickly as is possible.

Steven Andriola, MD