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Amy Harrison, M.D.

Pulmonologist (Pediatric)

Dr. Amy Harrison practices Pediatric Pulmonology in Long Beach, CA. Dr. Harrison treats children who have breathing problems, or a problem with his or her lungs. Pediatric pulmonologists often treat children with chronic cough, difficulty breathing, recurring pneumonia, asthma, cystic fibrosis, apnea, chronic lung disease in premature infants, noisy breathing, and conditions that require special equipment to monitor and/or help with breathing at home.
26 years Experience
Amy N. Harrison, M.D.
  • Newport Beach, CA
  • Indiana University Sch of Med
  • Accepting new patients

Is bronchitis contagious between children?

Yes, bronchitis is typically caused by a respiratory viral infection. Your 10 year old would be contagious for as long as he or she has a fever, productive cough or sneezing. READ MORE
Yes, bronchitis is typically caused by a respiratory viral infection. Your 10 year old would be contagious for as long as he or she has a fever, productive cough or sneezing. A general rule of thumb is to keep your children at least 6 feet apart when one is sick (if possible) and to encourage them to cover their cough and wash their hands frequently.

Do you always have a cough with bronchitis?

Yes, typically. Bronchitis implies inflammation of the large airways, the bronchi. This typically presents as cough and mucus production.