The Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy in Mental Health

Mr. Anees Ahmad Internist Buffalo, New York

Dr. Anees Ahmad is an internist practicing in Buffalo, NY. Dr. Ahmad specializes in the medical treatment of adults. Internists can act as a primary physician or a consultant to a primary physician. They manage both common and rare diseases. Dr. Ahmad provides comprehensive care and manages treatment with surgeons as well.... more

In the vast landscape of psychotherapeutic techniques, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) stands out as a particularly effective approach for addressing trauma and other psychological stressors. For therapists and mental health professionals seeking to deepen their toolkits, understanding the nuances of EMDR is crucial in providing comprehensive care to those in need. 

Understanding EMDR and Its Impact 

EMDR is a psychotherapy technique developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro. It is particularly noted for its effectiveness in treating trauma-related disorders. The core of EMDR lies in its unique approach to processing distressing memories. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR focuses on the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences and employs bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements) to aid in processing these memories.

How Does EMDR Work? 

The process of EMDR therapy involves eight distinct phases, focusing on the past, present, and future aspects of a traumatic or distressing memory. During sessions, therapists guide clients through a series of eye movements while recalling a traumatic event. This bilateral stimulation is believed to mimic the psychological state associated with Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, which plays a crucial role in processing memories and emotions. 

The Benefits of EMDR Therapy

Rapid Results 

Many clients report significant progress after just a few sessions of EMDR, a notable difference from some traditional forms of therapy. 

Reduced Trauma Symptoms 

EMDR has been shown to effectively diminish the emotional impact of traumatic memories, aiding in recovery from PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. 


EMDR can help individuals develop coping mechanisms, empowering them to handle emotional distress more effectively. 

EMDR: A Versatile Tool for Therapists 

For therapists, learning EMDR can be a valuable addition to their practice. It’s not only effective for trauma but also for a range of issues like anxiety, depression, and stress-related problems. By mastering EMDR, therapists can offer a more diversified and effective treatment portfolio to their clients.

Becoming EMDR certified is a significant step for any mental health professional looking to enhance their therapeutic skills and provide effective treatment for clients dealing with trauma and other psychological issues. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a well-researched and highly regarded therapy, and gaining certification in this method can be a rewarding journey. Here’s an overview of the steps involved in becoming EMDR certified: 

Understanding EMDR Certification 

EMDR certification is a process that recognizes a therapist's expertise and proficiency in EMDR therapy. It's important to note that certification is different from basic training in EMDR. While training provides the necessary skills to practice EMDR, certification takes this a step further by establishing a therapist’s competence and expertise in the field. 

Steps to Become EMDR Certified 

  1. Complete EMDR Training: The first step is to complete an EMDRIA-approved (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association) EMDR training program. This training usually consists of two parts – the theoretical foundations of EMDR and practical, hands-on sessions. 
  2. Acquire Post-Training Experience: After completing the training, therapists are required to gain experience using EMDR in their practice. This involves a certain number of hours practicing EMDR therapy with clients. 
  3. Consultation Hours: Therapists must complete a specific number of consultation hours with an EMDRIA-approved consultant. These consultations are designed to review your EMDR practice, discuss cases, and refine your techniques. 
  4. Letters of Recommendation: Some certification processes may require letters of recommendation from these consultants or other EMDR-certified professionals, attesting to your competence in EMDR therapy. 
  5. Continuing Education: Engaging in continuous education is crucial. This may involve attending workshops, seminars, or advanced trainings that focus on EMDR. Some certification bodies require a certain number of EMDR-specific continuing education hours. 
  6. Documentation and Application: Compile all necessary documentation, including proof of completed training, consultation hours, and records of your EMDR sessions. You will then submit this along with an application to the certifying body, such as EMDRIA. 
  7. Adherence to EMDRIA Guidelines: Ensure that you adhere to the ethical guidelines and standards set by EMDRIA or the relevant certifying authority. 

Maintaining EMDR Certification 

Once certified, therapists are usually required to maintain their certification through ongoing education and practice in EMDR. This may include completing additional training hours and staying up to date with the latest developments in EMDR therapy. 

Benefits of EMDR Certification 

Being EMDR certified distinguishes you as a skilled practitioner in this therapeutic method. It not only enhances your credibility and expertise but also assures clients and colleagues of your commitment to providing effective, research-based treatment. Furthermore, certification can open up new professional opportunities and contribute to your overall growth as a mental health professional. 


The journey to becoming EMDR certified is one of commitment, continuous learning, and practical application. It’s a pathway that not only furthers your professional development but also significantly contributes to the well-being of your clients. For those interested in pursuing this rewarding certification, it's essential to start with accredited training and follow the guidelines set forth by professional EMDR organizations.