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Dr. Carrie D. Swartz, M.D.

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Carrie Swartz is a gynecologist practicing in Albuquerque, NM. Dr. Swartz specializes in women's health, particularly minmally invasive surgery, fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS. Trained as an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Swartz can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. She is joined in practice by several well-trained nurse practitioners and physician's assistants. 
23 years Experience
Dr. Carrie D. Swartz, M.D.
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • University of Kansas
  • Accepting new patients

How does your period look if you are pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you should not have a period. If you have had a positive pregnancy test or think you might be pregnant and are having bleeding, you should talk to your health READ MORE
If you are pregnant, you should not have a period. If you have had a positive pregnancy test or think you might be pregnant and are having bleeding, you should talk to your health care provider.

Does breastfeeding help you lose weight?

For some women it does and others, it doesn't. Like many things it can vary from person to person!

How to treat vaginal itch?

If you are having an odor or discharge, you should talk to your health care provider. They may even be able to help you with a phone or video visit.

Does folic acid help you get pregnant fast?

No, folic acid won't help you get pregnant any faster. It does, however, help prevent birth defects, so it is important to take it or a prenatal vitamin with folic acid while you READ MORE
No, folic acid won't help you get pregnant any faster. It does, however, help prevent birth defects, so it is important to take it or a prenatal vitamin with folic acid while you are trying to get pregnant, while you are pregnant, and while breastfeeding.

What position is the baby in at 16 weeks?

At 16 weeks the baby still has lots of room to move and so the position can change all day long.

Why am I having two periods in one month?

There are lots of reasons you might be getting more frequent periods. If it is just the one time, it's probably OK to wait it out. Sometimes it can be due to hormonal fluctuations READ MORE
There are lots of reasons you might be getting more frequent periods. If it is just the one time, it's probably OK to wait it out. Sometimes it can be due to hormonal fluctuations either due to your age or stress. If it continues to be a problem, and especially if your period is very heavy, you should talk to a health care provider (your pediatrician or family doctor, an ob/gyn, or even Planned Parenthood). Besides hormonal reasons, there are other reasons women might get more frequent periods including infections (like sexually transmitted infections), polyps or fibroids, blood problems, or even related to other medications you might be taking.

Can female infertility be cured?

It depends on the reasons for your infertility. An ob/gyn or specialist in fertility can help you find the best options for you.

XX Male Syndrome?

If you have not already, you should see an endocrinologist. They can help sort all this out for you and look at the tests you have had done so far and recommend additional tests READ MORE
If you have not already, you should see an endocrinologist. They can help sort all this out for you and look at the tests you have had done so far and recommend additional tests if needed.

Odds of getting pregnant after ECP?

There is the possibility you could be pregnant, though by taking the ECP, you have certainly done what you can to protect yourself. If your period is late, you can take a pregnancy READ MORE
There is the possibility you could be pregnant, though by taking the ECP, you have certainly done what you can to protect yourself. If your period is late, you can take a pregnancy test. If you are too nervous to buy one, ask a friend or parent or trusted adult for help. You can also go to Planned Parenthood or call your doctor's office and they will be able to help you.

I need answers and a solution?

Leaking urine can sometimes be a sign of an infection (usually in the urine). I would recommend you talk to an ob/gyn so they can do tests and an exam and help you.

Is it safe to have a baby if you are diabetic?

Many women with diabetes have healthy pregnancies! It will be important to keep your glucose under good control while you are pregnant. You should discuss your plans for pregnancy READ MORE
Many women with diabetes have healthy pregnancies! It will be important to keep your glucose under good control while you are pregnant. You should discuss your plans for pregnancy with an ob/gyn before you start trying to get pregnant so they can do testing and see if you need a referral to the high-risk pregnancy specialist.

Why do I have burning urination during my pregnancy?

You can definitely get a UTI during pregnancy and sometimes it can get very serious. You should see your health care provider or get tested at urgent care right away.

Urologist or Gynecologist?

Either one should be able to help you. Your area may also have urogynecologists, which are gynecologists with extra training in urinary leakage, frequency, etc. Good luck!

Medication for partner?

Some states allow "Expedited Partner Therapy" where either your doctor or the pharmacy can provide medications for him. If your state does not allow that, he can talk with his READ MORE
Some states allow "Expedited Partner Therapy" where either your doctor or the pharmacy can provide medications for him. If your state does not allow that, he can talk with his health care provider or go to the Health Department or Planned Parenthood for a test or treatment.


Irregular and heavy periods are very common in women in the time leading up to menopause, called perimenopause. There are many options to help manage this. You can talk to your READ MORE
Irregular and heavy periods are very common in women in the time leading up to menopause, called perimenopause. There are many options to help manage this. You can talk to your ob/gyn for more information,

Possible pregnancy?

In the years leading up to menopause (called perimenopause) our periods can change quite a bit. This is due to all the hormonal changes. If your pregnancy tests are negative, it READ MORE
In the years leading up to menopause (called perimenopause) our periods can change quite a bit. This is due to all the hormonal changes. If your pregnancy tests are negative, it is probably just due to perimenopause, but an ob/gyn should be able to check you for sure and help manage your irregular periods.