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Dr. Edward B. Lineen, MD

Trauma Surgeon

Dr. Edward Lineen is a trauma surgeon practicing in Miami, FL. Dr. Lineen specializes in both operative and non-operative management to treat life threatening, traumatic injuries. Some commonly operated areas include the stomach, colon, spleen and pancreas and trauma surgeons also work with other surgeons to stabilize patients in critical condition. Typically, trauma surgeons work in the emergency care area of a hospital.
23 years Experience
Dr. Edward B. Lineen, MD
  • Miami, FL
  • New York Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

How can a trauma surgeon help my son recover from a car crash?

Yes, your son should be in pediatric trauma center. Trauma is a unique condition. The management is foreign to most physician's who don't regularly deal with severe trauma. A READ MORE
Yes, your son should be in pediatric trauma center. Trauma is a unique condition. The management is foreign to most physician's who don't regularly deal with severe trauma. A pediatric trauma center will have doctors, nurses, and therapists with the expertise to deal with is problems and special resources for rehabing trauma patients.

Edward Lineen, MD