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Dr. Robert M. Strauss, MD


Dr. Robert Strauss is a gastroenterologist practicing in Marietta, GA. Dr. Strauss specializes in the digestive system and its diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, which include organs from the mouth to the anus as well as liver disorders. Gastroenterology includes conditions such as hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, nutritional problems and irritable bowel syndrome. Dr. Strauss performs colonoscopy and endoscopy procedures and provides accurate and thorough care for patients suffering from digestive issues.
41 years Experience
Dr. Robert Strauss, MD
  • Marietta, GA
  • UNAM’s School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients


Hemorrhoids have nothing to do with the bladder or prostate. If this continues, you should see your Internist to Urologist. Have you had a recent colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy? I READ MORE
Hemorrhoids have nothing to do with the bladder or prostate. If this continues, you should see your Internist to Urologist. Have you had a recent colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy?
I hope you feel better.

Is abdominal pain a sign of the coronavirus?

Most patients with COVID-19 present with a fever and respiratory symptoms, however, I found some articles in the Chinese literature that presented early on with abdominal pain READ MORE
Most patients with COVID-19 present with a fever and respiratory symptoms, however, I found some articles in the Chinese literature that presented early on with abdominal pain as well as loose stools or diarrhea and some fever who were diagnosed with COVID-19 and did worse as others because they presented to the hospital later.
I would like to signal out that there are many causes for abdominal discomfort/pain especially in times of stress, hence, I do not want most people to think that if they have some abdominal discomfort or pain, they should not jump and conclude that they have COVID-19 related illness.

How do you know if your gallbladder needs to be removed?

Unless you have a dramatic history of gallbladder disease in you family, you are too young to have gallstones. Not impossible. I would need to know more about your type of pain READ MORE
Unless you have a dramatic history of gallbladder disease in you family, you are too young to have gallstones. Not impossible.
I would need to know more about your type of pain and then start with an abdominal ultrasound which is a good, easy, cheap and non- invasive test to do.

What is the best treatment for pancreatitis?

There is no perfect medicine to treat pancreatitis but to know more, I woud need to know what type of pancreatitis you have and what your symptoms are. Different patients with READ MORE
There is no perfect medicine to treat pancreatitis but to know more, I woud need to know what type of pancreatitis you have and what your symptoms are. Different patients with pancreatitis have different symptoms, hence, the therapy is also different. One size does not fit all!

What causes acid reflux everyday?

Acid reflux problems can be caused by different factors. I would need to know a lot more about you to try to understand and explain the reasons for you having reflux. An explanation READ MORE
Acid reflux problems can be caused by different factors. I would need to know a lot more about you to try to understand and explain the reasons for you having reflux. An explanation for many people with reflux is that the acid that is made in their stomach(an normal event) migrates to the esophagus which is more sensitive to eh presence of acid. This is because they have a weak barrier between the esophagus and stomach. This valve is called the lower esophageal sphincter. Also factors such as diet, smoking, drinking and obesity can make this problem worse, that is why I said I need more information to tailor this answer to your specific case.