Diabetes Mellitus Explained

Dr. Nicholas Mezitis Endocrinology, Diabetes Athens, OH

Dr. Nicholas Mezitis practices endocrinology in Athens, OH. Dr. Mezitis specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases related to hormone imbalance, and the body's glands in the endocrine system. Endocrinologists are trained and certified to treat a variety of conditions, including menopause, diabetes, infertility,... more

What Is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes mellitus is a fundamental disturbance in the body’s fuel processing frequently leading to weakness, weight loss, and mood swings among other changes.

Damage From Diabetes Mellitus

The disruption in fuel processing seen in diabetes generates excessive swings in blood glucose levels, both high and low. This loss of harmony in metabolism disrupts glands.

Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis

The measurement of blood glucose is the key to diabetes diagnosis and management. For non-pregnant adults, the morning blood glucose fasting should be less than 100 mg/dL. 

Management Of Diabetes Mellitus

The goals in management are to first achieve glucose values below diagnostic thresholds i.e. fasting blood glucose less than 126 mg/dL and below 200 mg/dL after the meal.

Diabetes Management

Successful diabetes management rests on 4 pillars: restful sleep, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medications. All pillars are addressed, with varying emphasis. 

Diet In Diabetes Mellitus

Proper meal planning involves nutritional balance on the plate and proper timing of meals. Protein, carbohydrate, and fat are all present in the meal in good measure. 

Exercise In Diabetes Mellitus 

Exercise should be on a daily, consistent schedule. Sessions can be as short as 15 minutes, but they should encompass stretching and flexing muscle groups gently.

Medications & Diabetes Management

We have many medications to treat diabetes. Some are in pill form and can be used in combination with each other and with insulin for patients with type 2 diabetes.