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Dr. June J. Lee, MD


June Lee, MD is breast surgeon specializing in breast cancer as well as other problems of the breast, including lumps, abnormal imaging studies, and high risk conditions such as brca mutation. Her cutting-edge surgical care includes; the nipple-sparing mastectomy and oncoplastic surgery, which means treating breast problems in the most cosmetic way possible, making the often unpleasant issues easier to deal with. As Director of the Breast Program, Dr. June Lee also currently holds hospital privileges at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown, NY and St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY. She also holds an MBA from Columbia Business School in New York, NY.
24 years Experience
Dr. June J. Lee, MD
Specializes in:
  • Mastectomy
  • Lumpectomy
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Smithtown, NY
  • Rutgers
  • Accepting new patients

Breast Reconstruction: How Is It Done?

Breast Reconstruction: How Is It Done?

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that's done after a woman has received a mastectomy. Breast cancer patients often have to get their breasts removed, and this surgery...

What Is a Lumpectomy?

What Is a Lumpectomy?

A lumpectomy is an option for some patients who want to preserve the appearance of the breast. If the tumor is cancerous, you will most likely receive radiation therapy after...

What Is a Mastectomy?

What Is a Mastectomy?

A mastectomy is a surgery performed to remove the breast. In some cases, one breast is removed and in other cases both breasts are removed. The removal of one breast is called...

What Is the Recovery From a Mastectomy Like?

What Is the Recovery From a Mastectomy Like?

After a mastectomy, you may experience some uncomfortable sensations such as pain, numbness and pinching around the location of the surgery. You will be bandaged up around the...

Is Breast Cancer Hereditary?

Is Breast Cancer Hereditary?

Breast cancer is not necessarily caused by hereditary factors. The majority of breast cancer cases are associated with mutations in cells that were developed during a person's...