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Dr. Carmen Rosa Fortuno roman, M.D.


Dr. Carmen Fortuno Roman practices Child Neurology and has an expertise in Fetal and Newborn neurology. Dr. Fortuno Roman studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system.
17 years Experience
Dr. Carmen Rosa Fortuno roman, M.D.
  • Boston, MA
  • Central University of The Caribbean / School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

I am hallucinating in bed at night. Is it a serious problem?

Hallucinations are never normal. You should be immediately evaluated by a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

My father is having balance problems and generally is tilting towards his right side. What could be the issue?

He should see a physician. There are a number of possibilities including inner ear problems, but I would be concerned for the possibility of a stroke.

Rare muscle deterioration disease

Has she been seen by a neuromuscular specialist? I would search for the best in your area or travel to another state if needed for evaluation.

Can I do anything to stop my child from wetting the bed?

Is there a new child in the family or changes that would cause him to regress? Has it ever happened during the day? Has his behavior changed? I recommend taking him to the pediatrician READ MORE
Is there a new child in the family or changes that would cause him to regress? Has it ever happened during the day? Has his behavior changed? I recommend taking him to the pediatrician for an evaluation as there are a number of possible causes. If everything is fine, there are different methods to help him not wet the bed, including monitoring liquids in PM and waking him up on schedule every night to take him to the bathroom. Please do take him to a pediatrician for a check-up.

My second child is 14 months old and hasn't taken her first steps. Is something wrong?

I would need to know more about your child's milestones. When did she roll over, stay in sitting position without assistance? There is a big range for walking however the previous READ MORE
I would need to know more about your child's milestones. When did she roll over, stay in sitting position without assistance? There is a big range for walking however the previous questions will help me find potential delays in development or perhaps low muscle tone. Does she give steps with hands held? Talk to your pediatrician for an evaluation of her milestones. If there are any concerns the most important thing is to stay on top of the situation and intervene early. Hope this helps.