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Dr. Patricia Scheider, M.D.


51 years Experience
Dr. Patricia Scheider, M.D.
  • Saint Francisville, LA
  • La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
  • Accepting new patients

Can a child's sinusitis be fixed without medications?

Sinus rinses with saline are often adequate to clear sinus infections. The water should be sterile Except for infants, patients are strongly encouraged to treat nasal congestion READ MORE
Sinus rinses with saline are often adequate to clear sinus infections. The water should be sterile
Except for infants, patients are strongly encouraged to treat nasal congestion symptoms with saline for at least 2 weeks prior to seeking medical attention, unless the child has fever, headache, ear pain, severe sore throat or chesty cough

What helps with a lung infection?

Lung infections can be viral or bacterial and can be life threatening. Always see your pediatrician for specific recommendations

What is the best gas relief for infants?

Frequent burping, elevation of the baby's head and ensuring that the baby is sucking deeply are also helpful. Babies are gassy little humans and passing gas is normal and a good READ MORE
Frequent burping, elevation of the baby's head and ensuring that the baby is sucking deeply are also helpful. Babies are gassy little humans and passing gas is normal and a good thing. Normally babies are fussy for about 2 hours a day for the first several months of life. Six to eight weeks of age is the peak of baby fussiness. See your pediatrician if your baby screams for more than 3 hours a day on a daily basis and is inconsolable. Many babies benefit from skin to skin contact with parents as well as swaddling, swaying, singing and shushing

What can you give a child for stomach pain?

Stomach pain has many causes. Most common stomach pains mean that a child needs to eat, needs to poop or needs a hug. Constant severe stomach pain with tenderness needs immediate READ MORE
Stomach pain has many causes. Most common stomach pains mean that a child needs to eat, needs to poop or needs a hug. Constant severe stomach pain with tenderness needs immediate medical attention
Constipation, lactose intolerance or just holding gas and stools inside the body when the child needs to take time to sit on the toilet are the most common causes of abdominal pain.

Are babies in pain after vaccinations?

Most babies only experience temporary minor discomfort after vaccinations

How do you treat a sinus infection in children?

Oral hydration, nasal saline sinus rinses followed by otc steroid or antihistamine nose sprays are the first line of treatment for mild cases of sinusitis

What can you give a child for congestion?

If your child's nose is running, the body is making mucus to clear a virus, irritant or allergen from the nose. No treatment may be needed. Nasal stuffiness can be relieved with READ MORE
If your child's nose is running, the body is making mucus to clear a virus, irritant or allergen from the nose. No treatment may be needed. Nasal stuffiness can be relieved with nasal sinus rinses, several times a day