Patient Education Series | Recognizing Trauma in Children and Adults | Robert L. Doyle, MA, DDS, MD

Dr. Robert Doyle Psychiatrist Boston, MA

Robert L. Doyle, MA, DDS, MD, is a seasoned child & adolescent psychiatrist currently serving patients at Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital. Among his professional affiliations, Dr. Doyle serves as the Assistant Medical Director of the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program at McLean-Franciscan and is a... more

Recognizing Trauma in Children and Adults

What is Trauma? Trauma is an emotional response to a distressing event that overwhelms a person's ability to cope.

Signs of Trauma in Children: Children may display increased anxiety, nightmares, withdrawal, regression, or difficulty concentrating when traumatized. These signs can significantly impact their well-being and development.

Recognizing Trauma in Adults: Adults may experience flashbacks, emotional numbness, irritability, insomnia, or hypervigilance as signs of trauma. These symptoms can disrupt daily life and relationships.

Impact of Trauma: Trauma can lead to behavioral changes such as aggression, self-destructive behavior, substance abuse, or social withdrawal. Understanding these manifestations is crucial to providing appropriate support.

Supportive Relationships: Building strong relationships with supportive caregivers, friends, or therapists can help individuals recover from trauma. A robust support system is often the cornerstone of healing.

Professional Help: Encouraging individuals experiencing trauma to seek professional help is vital to address their emotional needs. Therapy and counseling can provide tools for recovery.

Healing: With proper support and intervention, individuals can heal from trauma and develop resilience to navigate future challenges. Recognizing the signs of trauma and taking proactive steps toward healing is a crucial first step in this journey.