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Brooke Pearce, AUD


Dr. Brooke Pearce is an audiologist practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Pearce evaluates, diagnoses and collaboratively treats vestibular balance disorders. Dr. Pearce is the co-founder of Dizzy & Vertigo Institute of Los Angeles, with emphasis on new evidenced-based diagnostic and treatment options for vestibular disorders. Dr. Pearce has been practicing as a board-certified audiologist established in her career with an emphasis on collaborating with a multidisciplinary approach.
Brooke Pearce, AUD
  • Accepting new patients

Can herpes cause hearing loss?

Herpes simplex infections or reactivation of the infection can cause hearing loss and vestibular symptoms (dizziness). Discussing your husband's current symptoms with his treating READ MORE
Herpes simplex infections or reactivation of the infection can cause hearing loss and vestibular symptoms (dizziness). Discussing your husband's current symptoms with his treating physician is important in order to get the proper treatment.

Why do I have excessive earwax?

Having excessive earwax that occludes your hearing is actually one of the most common causes of hearing loss. When wax is moved back toward the eardrum or the ears make more wax READ MORE
Having excessive earwax that occludes your hearing is actually one of the most common causes of hearing loss. When wax is moved back toward the eardrum or the ears make more wax than necessary, it can cause a temporarily blockage leading to hearing loss. An interesting fact: stress can increase your ear's ability to produce earwax!
If the earwax buildup is a continuous problem, using a earwax-removal medication like an over the counter Debrox or Murine Ear Wax Removal System might be recommended by your doctor. Use them only as directed because they can irritate the ear canal, eardrum and surrounding skin.