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Dr. Sushil Beriwal, M.D.

Radiation Oncologist

Dr. Sushil Beriwal practices Radiation Oncology in Pittsburgh, PA. Radiation oncology is a medical specialty that involves treating cancer with radiation. Dr. Beriwal specializes in treating cancer with radiation, using radiation therapy to treat a wide variety of cancers. Radiation therapy uses carefully targeted and regulated doses of high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.
31 years Experience
Dr. Sushil Beriwal, M.D.
  • Pittsburgh, PA
  • University of Calcutta / Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Is radiation treatment painful?

Radiation treatments are like X-ray treatment which you don’t feel at all when going through treatment. Side effects are observed as treatment progresses and is function of location READ MORE
Radiation treatments are like X-ray treatment which you don’t feel at all when going through treatment. Side effects are observed as treatment progresses and is function of location and site getting treatment.

Are there a lot of side effects with radiation therapy for colorectal cancer?

There is soreness in the anorectal area towards the end of treatment, which gradually resolves. It can be managed with topical agents and pain meds.

Is diarrhea common with radiation therapy?

Diarrhea is a function of location. Treatment of the gallbladder area can cause some diarrhea, but some of it could be because of non-functional gallbladder, which helps with biliary READ MORE
Diarrhea is a function of location. Treatment of the gallbladder area can cause some diarrhea, but some of it could be because of non-functional gallbladder, which helps with biliary function.

Why does radiation cause hair loss?

In treatment area hair follicles if present also gets radiation and this causing hair loss which is usually temporary