Dr. Jeffrey Unger, M.D.
Family Practitioner
Dr. Unger is a board certified family physician, diabetologist and clinical researcher who directs the Unger Primary Care Concierge Medical Group in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Unger Primary Care focuses on providing intensive management of patients with complex and chronic disease states such as diabetes, sleep disorders, headaches, chronic pain, obesity, Cushings disease, mental illness and substance abuse disorder. He has published 3 medical textbooks on diabetes one on migraine headaches as well as over 160 peer reviewed manuscripts. Dr. Unger has participated in over 150 clinical trials and recently co-authored the 2021 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Guidelines on the use of advanced technology in the management of patients with diabetes.
Although he has no athletic ability, Dr. Unger (who is a University of Iowa alumni) has served as the physician for the Anaheim Angels baseball team, mixed martial arts organizations, as well as the World Wrestling Federation. You may recall seeing Dr. Unger being thrown through a wall by 2 female wrestlers during Wrestlemania VII.
Although he has no athletic ability, Dr. Unger (who is a University of Iowa alumni) has served as the physician for the Anaheim Angels baseball team, mixed martial arts organizations, as well as the World Wrestling Federation. You may recall seeing Dr. Unger being thrown through a wall by 2 female wrestlers during Wrestlemania VII.
Dr. Jeffrey Unger, M.D.
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What should I do?
Not enough information submitted to provide advise on what needs to be done. Considering you are a transplant patient I would certainly seek emergent care. If you are fainting READ MORE
Not enough information submitted to provide advise on what needs to be done. Considering you are a transplant patient I would certainly seek emergent care. If you are fainting you could be dehydrated. Headaches could be due to dehydration or migraine.