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Dr. Kiran Venkat Rao, M.D.


Dr. Kiran Rao is a hepatologist practicing in Newark, NJ. Dr. Rao specializes in the study of body parts such as the liver, the biliary tree, the gallbladder and the pancreas. Hepatologists manage disorders in these areas and are specifically known for treating viral hepatitis. Patients who have received liver transplants also follow up with hepatologists after their procedure.
Dr. Kiran Venkat Rao, M.D.
  • Newark, NJ
  • J.S.S. Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

I have hepatitis A. Should I see a hepatologist to manage this condition?

If the gastroenterologist is comfortable with treating acute Hepatitis A as this is usually a self-limiting condition, then you will not need a referral to a Hepatologist. The READ MORE
If the gastroenterologist is comfortable with treating acute Hepatitis A as this is usually a self-limiting condition, then you will not need a referral to a Hepatologist. The gastroenterologist should be checking your liver function tests periodically to ensure they are resolving.

What is the suggested diet for a person with fatty liver?

A low fat diet such a Mediterranean diet or Paleo diet is recommended.

How to tell the difference from gallbladder vs liver pain?

There are certain imaging tests like a HIDA scan or a HIDA scan with Phamacological intervention that can determine if it’s the gall bladder pain or the liver. Also if an ultrasound READ MORE
There are certain imaging tests like a HIDA scan or a HIDA scan with Phamacological intervention that can determine if it’s the gall bladder pain or the liver. Also if an ultrasound shows any enlarged liver, that may also produce pain in your right upper abdomen.