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Dr. Emily Brislin, PSY.D


Dr. Emily Brislin is a clinical neuropsychologist practicing in Sparta, NJ. Dr. Brislin specializes in the testing and assessment of psychological and neuropsychological disorders in adults and geriatrics. As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Brislin evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods. Patients usually visit Dr. Brislin upon referral from their neurologist or primary care physician when there are concerns for neurodegenerative conditions like mild cognitive impairment and dementia, acquired brain injury/impairment, or developmental disorders such as ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. She also performs disability determination evaluations and pre-surgical evaluations.
16 years Experience
Dr. Emily Brislin, PSY.D
  • Sparta, NJ
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Accepting new patients

How to Take Care of Brain Health to Prevent Cognitive Decline

Maintaining brain health is essential for preventing cognitive decline as we age. While genetics play a role, lifestyle choices significantly impact brain function and longevity....