Spotlight Video | Gynecomastia; Why Men Hate It | Alan Kisner, MD, FRCS, FACS

Dr. Alan Michael Kisner Plastic Surgeon | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Huntington, NY

With over three decades of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, Dr. Alan Kisner is a highly skilled and proficient plastic surgeon. He has undergone expert training and possesses exceptional surgical skills that have earned him a great reputation among his peers and patients across Long Island, Manhattan, and other... more

Understanding Gynecomastia: Why Men May Dislike It

Gynecomastia Explained

Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of breast tissue in males. While it might not be a topic commonly discussed, it's important to shed light on this issue.

Hormonal Rollercoaster

This condition often makes its appearance during puberty, which is already a turbulent time for hormonal changes. Gynecomastia is linked to imbalances in the hormones estrogen and testosterone. In the male body, estrogen typically exists in much smaller quantities compared to testosterone. However, when the scales tip and estrogen levels rise, it can lead to breast tissue enlargement.

Not Just for Teens

Gynecomastia isn't exclusive to teenagers experiencing puberty. Babies can sometimes exhibit signs of it due to the transmission of maternal hormones. Older men can also face this condition, often as a result of hormonal changes that occur with age.

Factors at Play

Understanding what causes this condition is crucial. Besides hormonal fluctuations, certain medications and illegal drugs can trigger gynecomastia. Some illnesses, such as liver or kidney diseases, might also contribute to its development.

Demystifying the Myths

It's essential to clarify one major misconception: gynecomastia is not linked to male breast cancer. While breast cancer is a concern for both men and women, gynecomastia itself is a separate issue.

Diagnosis and Evaluation

Diagnosing gynecomastia typically involves a physical examination and a review of medical history. However, the symptoms can sometimes mimic other conditions, underlining the importance of an accurate diagnosis.

Additional diagnostic tools may be employed, including mammograms, blood tests, and biopsies. In some cases, consultation with a hormonal specialist known as an endocrinologist may be necessary.

Exploring Treatment Options

The good news is that many cases of gynecomastia resolve naturally, especially those that occur during puberty. If the condition is linked to medication, discontinuing the drug may lead to resolution.

When an underlying disease is the culprit, addressing that disease becomes paramount. In certain scenarios, hormone therapy can offer a potential treatment route. Surgery to remove excess breast tissue is a rare necessity.

A Temporary Challenge

For those living with gynecomastia, it's essential to remember that most cases don't last forever. The duration can vary from a few months to a few years, but understanding the available treatments and potential side effects is key.

Living Well with Gynecomastia

Despite the challenges it presents, many individuals with gynecomastia lead fulfilling, healthy lives. Awareness of this condition and its treatment options is the first step towards addressing and managing it effectively.