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Dr. Alma L. Dehdashti, D.O.


Dr. Alma Dehdashti is a dermatologist practicing in Mission Hills, CA. Dr. Dehdashti specializes in general medical dermatology and skin care. Dermatologists evaluate and manage both common and uncommon skin conditions. These conditions include acne,, psoriasis, warts, skin infections, atopic dermatitis, herpes simplex and more. Dermatologists are also experts in more complex skin diseases like impetigo, hidradenitis and eczema. Dr. Dehdashti diagnoses skin problems and develops unique treatments plans for each individual patient.
17 years Experience
Dr. Alma L. Dehdashti, D.O.
  • Mission Hills, CA
  • Accepting new patients


I recommend you have it be evaluated by a dermatologist in the office