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<p>Dr. Fred Friedman practices Orthodontics in Brewster, Fishkill, Poughkeepsie and Jefferson Valley NY. Dr. Friedman also treats a large percentage of his patients with Invisalign, no matter how difficult the case. He also has plenty of training and experience in facial aesthetics and beautifies faces with fillers and Botox. In other words he treats faces from the inside and outside! And he always strives for excellence and accepts nothing less.</p>
42 years Experience
  • Brewster, New York
  • Emory college of dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

My son is 3 years old and is still on the bottle. Will it have an impact on the shape of his teeth?

It will affect his teeth only if you let him sleep with the bottle which you should never allow. Using a bottle to drink from should not affect how his teeth erupt. Nor should READ MORE
It will affect his teeth only if you let him sleep with the bottle which you should never allow. Using a bottle to drink from should not affect how his teeth erupt. Nor should it increase his chance of getting cavities. Just make sure that after he’s done drinking you take the bottle away from him/her. Do not let it just sit in his/her mouth.

I wear my retainer, so why are my teeth still shifting?

Your teeth might have been moved to a slightly unstable position or bodies change some over time or some teeth might be slightly out of proportion. Go back to your orthodontist READ MORE
Your teeth might have been moved to a slightly unstable position or bodies change some over time or some teeth might be slightly out of proportion. Go back to your orthodontist and let him take a look.