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Dr. Deborah Archer, MD


Dr. Deborah Archer is an adolescent specialist practicing in Greeley, CO. Dr. Archer works with patients who are in the adolescent age, or generally between the ages of 11 and 19 years old. As an adolescent-specialist, Dr. Archer treats many common health issues that pre-teens and teenagers face, from mental, to behavioral, to physical conditions. Some of these issues may include growth and hormone problems, sports injuries, eating disorders, substance abuse and more. Adolescent specialists perform medical exams, histories and diagnostic tests, and develop individualized treatment plans for each patient.
22 years Experience
Dr. Deborah Archer, MD
  • Loveland, CO
  • Brown University Medical Schoo
  • Accepting new patients

Can type 1 diabetes affect my child's behavior?

It is always best to check with your endocrinologist regarding concerns regarding diabetes. However any chronic medical condition and especially type 1 diabetes can affect mood READ MORE
It is always best to check with your endocrinologist regarding concerns regarding diabetes. However any chronic medical condition and especially type 1 diabetes can affect mood and behavior in children due to the emotional stress of being diagnosed as well as fluctuating sugar levels and diet changes. So short answer is yes - it can contribute to a change in your 14yo behavior

Why is there red in my stool

There are many possible causes for red or blood in the stool. This includes simple as eating lots of beets, or a hemorrhoid to possible allergies, and signs of intestinal malfunction. READ MORE
There are many possible causes for red or blood in the stool. This includes simple as eating lots of beets, or a hemorrhoid to possible allergies, and signs of intestinal malfunction. I would recommend you see your primary care provider as soon as possible

I have a lump by my nipple in my left breast. Is this serious?

If you are 13years old it is likely just normal fibrocystic breast changes and your breasts growing as part of normal puberty.