Dr. Mark Shukhman, MD
Addiction Psychiatrist
<p>Dr. Mark Shukhman is a psychiatrist in private practice. Dr. Shukhman evaluates, diagnoses, and treats people who suffer from depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction, probelms with sleep, sex, appetite, energy level, memory problems, etc. </p>
<p>When possible, we use Vitamins, supplements, adjustment of hormones, antiinflammatory treatments etc in addition or, in some cases, instead of medications. </p>
<p>Our office is very comfortable with medications that are routinely used by other practices: MAOI, TCA, Spravato, Ketamine, Vivitrol, Suboxone and other buprenorphine products, Xyrem, Sunosi, LDN and microdoses of other medications, etc.</p>
<p>When possible, we use Vitamins, supplements, adjustment of hormones, antiinflammatory treatments etc in addition or, in some cases, instead of medications. </p>
<p>Our office is very comfortable with medications that are routinely used by other practices: MAOI, TCA, Spravato, Ketamine, Vivitrol, Suboxone and other buprenorphine products, Xyrem, Sunosi, LDN and microdoses of other medications, etc.</p>
27 years
Dr. Mark Shukhman, MD
- Skokie, IL
- Chicago Medical School
- Accepting new patients
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What are some alternatives to antidepressants?
Although it is difficult to answer your question without knowing specifically what kind of depression you have, not all depressions are the same, there are some general principles READ MORE
Although it is difficult to answer your question without knowing specifically what kind of depression you have, not all depressions are the same, there are some general principles that can help patients recover, unless it is an emergency. First of all, some of the depressions are caused by general medical conditions. It is very well known that "underactive thyroid", which your PCP will report to you as "your thyroid is OK" (meeting, your numbers are within "normal limits") can cause a lot of symptoms that are very difficult to tease apart from depression. for some females, regulating their hormones work better in an antidepressant. You might have symptoms of depression related to inflammation, vitamins/nutrients imbalance, etc., in our office, we also offer some neurotransmitter labs that can help us choose supplements that will more likely help in your kind of depression.