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Dr. Ellen C. Weld, PH.D.


<p>Dr. Ellen Weld is a psychologist practicing in Forest Hills, NY. Dr. Weld specializes in psychological evaluations, forensic custody evaluations, therapeutic visitation between children and their parents, and psychotherapy.</p>
26 years Experience
Dr. Ellen C. Weld, PH.D.
  • Forest Hills, NY
  • New York University
  • Accepting new patients

What is the most effective therapy for schizophrenia?

Typically for schizophrenia, antipsychotic medications are required, as it is a biologically driven illness. In addition, supportive psychotherapy is helpful so as to increase READ MORE
Typically for schizophrenia, antipsychotic medications are required, as it is a biologically driven illness. In addition, supportive psychotherapy is helpful so as to increase an individual’s insight into their need for medication and to help normalize and destigmatize the condition.