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Dr. John Sapp, MD

Hand Surgeon

Dr. John Sapp is a hand surgeon practicing in Macon, GA. Dr. Sapp specializes in caring for hand, wrist and forearm problems without the option of surgery unless necessary. Many hand surgeons are also experts in diagnosing and caring for shoulder and elbow problems and tend to suggest non-surgical treatments such as hand therapy or physical therapy.
40 years Experience
Dr. John Sapp, MD
  • Macon, GA
  • Med Coll of Ga Sch of Med, Augusta Ga
  • Accepting new patients

I had a blood clot on my index finger which is now less painful after ice pack. Should I still test it?

Greetings, The formation of small "blood clots" on the palmar surface of the hand are quite common. Fortunately, these are small vessel clots and they have no long-term consequences. READ MORE
Greetings, The formation of small "blood clots" on the palmar surface of the hand are quite common. Fortunately, these are small vessel clots and they have no long-term consequences. The only reasons to seek consultation from a Hand Surgeon would be persistent pain or tenderness in the area of the clot or coolness or a change in color of a digit if this occurred in a digit. Regards, John W. Sapp, M. D. [cid:13fbaba0-0078-435d-8d04-db7b3184660e] Tupelo Farm

My daughter underwent a finger joining treatment using leeches. Will this cause a problem for her later in life?

Greetings, I am pleased to hear of your daughter's successful digit replantation. Leeches have been used to treat patients far back in written history. There is NO long-term negative READ MORE
Greetings, I am pleased to hear of your daughter's successful digit replantation. Leeches have been used to treat patients far back in written history. There is NO long-term negative consequences of leech usage as you report. Regards, John John W. Sapp, M. D. [cid:a1249e97-d1ed-4ed3-9f5d-aa0ba0d65e9e] Tupelo Farm