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Dr. Joda P. Derrickson


Dr. Joda Derrickson practices Nutritional Medicine in Kailua, Hawaii. Dr. Derrickson has received an education on and advises people on matters of food and nutrition, considering how they both impact health. Nutritionists? help patients choose the right things to eat, help them plan menus, and advise them on the health effects of certain foods. Nutritionists assess a patients current dietary habits and needs, educate them on healthy eating habits, follow up to ensure the menus are working, and write reports that document a patients progress.
Dr. Joda P. Derrickson
  • Kailua, Hawaii
  • Accepting new patients

What foods can I eat to gain weight in a healthy way?

Great question! Although everyone is different and I can't provide individualized advice via this venue, generally for weight gain I recommend: a) Plan to eat 3 meals daily READ MORE
Great question!

Although everyone is different and I can't provide individualized advice via this venue, generally for weight gain I recommend:

a) Plan to eat 3 meals daily and have 3-4 snacks/shakes/beverages with 200-500 calories in between meals
b) Try to make the 3 meals, balanced with 20-30g protein and 2-3 servings of fruit/vegetables - these will be the key foods you will want to always include in your diet so go with what you like that's healthy. You should be full for 2-3 house after the meal, but not longer.
c) Assure you have ample quality fats in your diet, i.e. avocado, olive oil, nuts, salmon and if you can use some higher fat dairy, i.e. cheddar cheese, 2% milk. Some soy products are OK, but I don't recommend soy milk or excess coconut oil. It's also OK to loosen up with fat in meats/poultry/butter, but excess fried foods, hydrogenated foods like margarines are still to be avoided. When possible, go organic and vary your sources of animal fats. You can take MCT oils if you really need to.
d) Drink moderately, ideally at night.
e) Eat/drink 1-2 hours before bed
f) Don't go overboard on foods high in sugar/corn syrup!!

Dr D.