Meher Fatima Tabatabai
Infectious Disease Specialist
Dr. Meher Tabatabai is an infectious disease specialist practicing in Lynwood, California. Dr. Tabatabai specializes in infections that are difficult to diagnose or unresponsive to treatments, such as HIV or airborne infections from a foreign country. Infectious disease specialists usually work with conditions that are not treatable by a primary physician but it is important to keep contact with the primary physician in order to receive information about the patients history and for deciding which diagnostic tests are appropriate.
Meher Fatima Tabatabai
- Lynwood, California
- Dow Medical College
- Accepting new patients
No results found
Is this HPV?
Yes most likely HPV
What is in my leg?
Herpes zoster
HPV vaccination?
I'm living with someone who tested positive for the virus?
Yes possible not to get the virus
Hepatitis from lollipop?
Hepatitis A
Do I need a vaccine or is natural immunity enough to travel?
Get the vaccine
HIV blood work?
Anemia does not affect the test result