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Dr. Michael Arnold Franklin

Neurologist | Electrodiagnostic Medicine

Dr. Michael Franklin practices Neurology in St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. Franklin studies, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect the nervous system. Neurologists are trained to fully understand and treat such conditions as stroke, migraines, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis or Parkinson's disease.
Dr. Michael Franklin
  • St. Petersburg, Florida
  • SUNY Downstate
  • Accepting new patients

I have frequent headaches?

You likely have migraines. There are medications called triptans that have been out since the 1990s which can alleviate these headaches quickly. Some respond to high doses of NSAIDS READ MORE
You likely have migraines. There are medications called triptans that have been out since the 1990s which can alleviate these headaches quickly. Some respond to high doses of NSAIDS like Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Nowadays, there is a new class of medications called CGRP inhibitors to ward off these headaches. If the headache frequency reaches around 4 or more days per month, then headache preventative medications should be in order. You should be evaluated be a neurologist, preferably by one that specializes in headache management.

Neurological Diagnosis

A cavernous hemangioma in the pons is unlikely to cause an epileptic seizure or neurocardiogenic syncope whether afflicted with COVID or not. COVID patients can get headaches, READ MORE
A cavernous hemangioma in the pons is unlikely to cause an epileptic seizure or neurocardiogenic syncope whether afflicted with COVID or not. COVID patients can get headaches, seizures and confusion. There is a risk of hemorrhage with a cavernous hemangioma and you should discuss this with your neurologist or neurosurgeon

How to find a specialist in ocular migraines?

Ideally treated by a neurologist with a subspecialty in Headache Management.

Bells palsy treatment?

You can get twitching or even what is known as synkinesis as the facial nerve heals. Some get hyperacusis or more sensitive hearing due to the inactivity of the tensor tympani, READ MORE
You can get twitching or even what is known as synkinesis as the facial nerve heals. Some get hyperacusis or more sensitive hearing due to the inactivity of the tensor tympani, which dampens sound. This should all resolve. In some cases, people are left with twitching of the eyelid and face called hemifacial spasm. If symptoms do not totally resolve in 2-3 months, you see a neurologist.

My Brain Does Not Register What I see

Have you seen an ophthalmologist? A neurologist? Have you ever had an MRI of the brain or orbits? Are the symptoms transient or persistent? You could have migrainous auras. These READ MORE
Have you seen an ophthalmologist?
A neurologist? Have you ever had an MRI of the brain or orbits? Are the symptoms transient or persistent? You could have migrainous auras. These can cause transient visual disturbances even without headaches. One other possibility would be MS or optic neuritis. There are a myriad of possibilities. You should have a detailed dilated eye exam with a reputable ophthalmologist, possibly a neuro-ophthalmologist. You should have an OCT performed, Ocular Coherence Tomography. You should then be seen by a neurologist.