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Lise Pichler


Dr. Lise Pichler is a Dentist practicing in Laval, Quebec. She practices general dentistry as well has a specialized interest in periodontics,cosmetic dentistry,as well as full mouth rehabilitation and dental implants,She is the recipients of numerous dental certificats,including a post doctoral residency degree in dentistry from Mc gill,Certificat of Merit in Periodontics from the University of Michigan,Prosthodontics certificat from the Misch Institute ,a comprehensive training in Implant dentistry (MAXI -COURSE) from the medical College of Georgia as well a a certifed LUMINEER DENTIST SPECIALIZED IN COSMETIC SMILE ENHANCEMENT.;...her expertice is finding solutions to both simple and complex dental problems.Her vast multidiciplinary experience has made her a much sought after local reference for cpmprehensive dental treatments .
Lise Pichler
  • Laval, Quebec
  • McGill University
  • Accepting new patients

What is a dry socket?

A dry the name implies,is a post op complication which implies pain following a dental extraction.The pain is a result of the inability or loss of a blood clot formation READ MORE
A dry the name implies,is a post op complication which implies pain
following a dental extraction.The pain is a result of the inability or loss of a blood clot formation which usually occurs in a normal healing process.The socket is dry -thus the term dry socket.To correct the situation the dentist will anaesthetize the area,curette the socket for bleeding to occur and thus restore the regular blood clot formation needed in the normal healing process.

Wisdom teeth removal

It depends on various factors.......including surgical experience and preferences as well as limits of the general dentist. Wisdom teeth extractions will vary in complexity. Wisdom READ MORE
It depends on various factors.......including surgical experience and preferences as well as limits of the general dentist. Wisdom teeth extractions will vary in complexity. Wisdom teeth, due to the human jawbone evolution, are very often malpositioned, impacted,due to lack of space for their eruption. Sometimes, the roots may be positioned close to or around the mandibular canal. In such a case, a 3D SCAN will be suggested and an oral surgeon will be required,as well as all cases with potential surgical or anatomical complications. ORAL SURGEONS are dental specialist in all things related to oral surgery.