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Mohamed S. Bamashmous


Dr. Mohamed S. Bamashmous is a top Dentist in Boston, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Mohamed S. Bamashmous is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Mohamed S. Bamashmous is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Mohamed S. Bamashmous is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Boston, Massachusetts, Dr. Mohamed S. Bamashmous is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
Mohamed S. Bamashmous
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Boston University
  • Accepting new patients

How long does take to fix a small gap between front teeth?

In general we say teeth move approximately 1mm a month but thats a general role Small gap is a very subjective word Many factors to consider 1. The direction of the gap 2. The READ MORE
In general we say teeth move approximately 1mm a month but thats a general role Small gap is a very subjective word Many factors to consider 1. The direction of the gap 2. The dimension of the gap 3. Any interference from the same arch or from the opposite arch 4. Is there any need to change the angulation or its a bodily movement The best advice is to seek an orthodontist in your area that give you more accurate information tailored to your case

How soon after the bone graft can I get an implant?

If the bone graft is a minor one, often done immediately after a tooth extraction, some dental professionals may place the implant simultaneously with the graft, or wait for a READ MORE
If the bone graft is a minor one, often done immediately after a tooth extraction, some dental professionals may place the implant simultaneously with the graft, or wait for a period of a few months for the grafted material to integrate with the existing bone. For larger or more complicated grafts, including those that involve augmenting the sinus floor or grafts for larger areas of bone loss, the healing period may extend to 69 months or longer before implant placement can be considered. Factors like your age, overall health, dental hygiene, and any coexisting medical conditions can also affect healing time and thereby the timing for the subsequent implant.

Should I take antibiotics after a root canal?

In general, antibiotics are not required after a root canal procedure. The root canal treatment itself is aimed at eliminating the infection from the affected tooth and preventing READ MORE
In general, antibiotics are not required after a root canal procedure. The root canal treatment itself is aimed at eliminating the infection from the affected tooth and preventing any further infection. The procedure entails the removal of infected pulp tissue, disinfecting the canals, and then sealing them to prevent future bacterial invasion. However, there are certain situations where the use of antibiotics post-procedure may be warranted: 1. Severity of Infection: In cases where there is a severe infection or abscess present, antibiotics may be prescribed to help eliminate the infection and prevent it from spreading. 2. Systemic Infection Signs: If signs of systemic infection such as fever or swollen lymph nodes are present, antibiotics may be necessary to manage the infection. 3. Individual Health Conditions: For individuals with certain pre-existing health conditions or compromised immune systems, antibiotics may be prescribed as a preventive measure to avoid potential complications. 4. Persistent Infections: In instances where the infection persists even after the root canal treatment, antibiotics may be deemed necessary. It's imperative to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by your endodontist or healthcare provider regarding post-operative care. They will evaluate your particular situation and advise on whether or not antibiotics are necessary following your root canal procedure. Get Outlook for iOS<>

Can gum infection be treated with salt water rinse?

Yes, a salt water rinse can be beneficial as part of the management of a mild gum infection or gingivitis. Salt water has antimicrobial properties which can help to reduce the READ MORE
Yes, a salt water rinse can be beneficial as part of the management of a mild gum infection or gingivitis. Salt water has antimicrobial properties which can help to reduce the bacteria in the mouth, promote healing, and alleviate discomfort. However, it's crucial to note that a salt water rinse may not be sufficient to treat more severe gum infections or periodontal disease. For a minor gum infection, rinsing your mouth with a warm salt water solution (1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8-ounce glass of warm water) several times a day may be helpful. It's a safe and affordable home remedy that can be used in conjunction with other treatments prescribed by a dental professional. However, it's of utmost importance that individuals with a gum infection or any other oral health concerns see a dental professional for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment recommendations. Periodontal disease, in particular, requires professional care to manage effectively, and may necessitate procedures such as deep cleanings, antibiotic medications, or in severe cases, surgery. Moreover, ongoing preventive care, including regular professional cleanings and good oral hygiene practices at home, are crucial for maintaining gum health and preventing further issues. In your case, as a patient with a gum infection, I would strongly advise scheduling an appointment with a dental professional to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Can a bridge cause damage to the tooth?

A dental bridge can slightly weaken the adjacent teeth due to reshaping needed for fitting. These supporting teeth also become more prone to decay if not properly maintained. Good READ MORE
A dental bridge can slightly weaken the adjacent teeth due to reshaping needed for fitting. These supporting teeth also become more prone to decay if not properly maintained. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential for the health of the bridge and surrounding teeth.

Co you need a root canal before getting a zirconia crown?

No, a root canal is not always necessary before getting a zirconia crown. The need for a root canal depends on the condition of the tooth that's being crowned. If the tooth has READ MORE
No, a root canal is not always necessary before getting a zirconia crown. The need for a root canal depends on the condition of the tooth that's being crowned. If the tooth has significant decay, an infection, or damage to the pulp (the inner part of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are), a root canal may be needed to remove the damaged or infected pulp before placing a crown. However, if the tooth's structure is sound and there's no pulp damage or infection, a root canal may not be necessary. Zirconia crowns can be placed on teeth that have not undergone root canal treatment, as long as the underlying tooth structure is healthy and stable. It's important to consult with your dentist or an endodontist for a proper assessment of your specific situation.

How often should I check my dental implant?

Regular Dental Visits: It's a great idea to see your dentist every 6 months. These check-ups are super important for your implant. Your dentist will check if everything's looking READ MORE
Regular Dental Visits: It's a great idea to see your dentist every 6 months. These check-ups are super important for your implant. Your dentist will check if everything's looking good and catch any small issues before they become big ones. Home Care is Key: Just like your natural teeth, your implant needs love and care. Brush twice a day, floss, and consider using tools like interdental brushes or water flossers to keep the area around your implant clean and happy. Lifestyle Matters: If you smoke or have other health conditions, like diabetes, your implant might need a little extra attention. So, keep up with those dentist visits and follow any personalized advice they give you. Remember, your dental implant is an investment in your smile. Keep it shining bright with good habits and regular check-ups. Your future self will thank you!

How long would It ideally take to get teeth aligned with the help of braces?

Different from cases to case. Aligning the teeth and fitting the two jaws together add another layer treatment usually takes between 6 month to 2 years. Sometimes longer if surgery READ MORE
Different from cases to case. Aligning the teeth and fitting the two jaws together add another layer treatment usually takes between 6 month to 2 years. Sometimes longer if surgery is indicated for aligning the jaws

What is the treatment for dry mouth?

Depending on the cause Might be a side effect of another drug Usually mouth rinse and Sialogogues can be used to stimulate saliva as well as chewing gum and sometime Malic READ MORE
Depending on the cause

Might be a side effect of another drug

Usually mouth rinse and Sialogogues can be used to stimulate saliva as well as chewing gum and sometime Malic or ascot if acid

Do I have to be numb?

Depend how deep is the cavity if superficial you won’t feel a thing once you touch the Dentin the 2nd layer after the enamel u won’t be able to tolerate the pain and of course READ MORE
Depend how deep is the cavity if superficial you won’t feel a thing once you touch the Dentin the 2nd layer after the enamel u won’t be able to tolerate the pain and of course if the decay is close to the pulp and pulp tissue need to be removed u would hate even the thought of trying treatment without numbing your teeth.

How effective are sensitivity toothpastes in treating the problem?

Depending on the cause of the sensitivity. If the tooth is sound and no decay in it, then it will help. If the tooth has filling or inlay or onlay or any kind of adjustment, in READ MORE
Depending on the cause of the sensitivity. If the tooth is sound and no decay in it, then it will help. If the tooth has filling or inlay or onlay or any kind of adjustment, in this case, it might or might not work. The cause of the problem should be treated by redoing the filling or sometime covering an exposed service.