Dr. Michael W. Cashman
Dr. Michael Cashman practices Dermatopathology in Arlington, Virginia. Dermatopathology is a medical specialty that focuses on dermatology and pathology, and involves the diagnosis of various diseases of the skin, hair, and nails by looking at cutaneous diseases at a microscopic and molecular level. By revealing the histology of diseases and results from a specific diagnostic interpretation, Dr. Cashman is able to analyze the potential causes of skin diseases at a basic level.
Dr. Michael W. Cashman
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Rash and a cold?
I’m sorry for my delayed response. How long have you been on Lexapro? Without even seeing the rash, I’m concerned that you could be developing a serious allergic reaction to the READ MORE
I’m sorry for my delayed response. How long have you been on Lexapro? Without even seeing the rash, I’m concerned that you could be developing a serious allergic reaction to the Lexapro. Do you have any lesions in your mouth? On your palms or soles? Have you noticed any peeling of your skin?
I understand that you mentioned itch, but have any of the red areas turned a deeper red color over time or become painful at all? To be on the safe side, I would strongly encourage you to go to an Urgent Care or ER if the “cold,” hasn’t improved and the rash only progressing. Tell the provider there that you’re on Lexapro. If you happened to start taking Lexapro within the last 3 weeks, definitely discontinue this medication, inform your prescribing physician, and seek medical attention. If you’ve been on Lexpro for much longer than this, then it’s less likely but still not inconceivable.
I don’t mean to frighten you with my concern, but again without being able to see the rash, I’m conerned about two very serious skin rashes, so please follow-up with a medical practiioner soon.
Thank you,
Michael W. Cashman MD, MPH, MHA
I understand that you mentioned itch, but have any of the red areas turned a deeper red color over time or become painful at all? To be on the safe side, I would strongly encourage you to go to an Urgent Care or ER if the “cold,” hasn’t improved and the rash only progressing. Tell the provider there that you’re on Lexapro. If you happened to start taking Lexapro within the last 3 weeks, definitely discontinue this medication, inform your prescribing physician, and seek medical attention. If you’ve been on Lexpro for much longer than this, then it’s less likely but still not inconceivable.
I don’t mean to frighten you with my concern, but again without being able to see the rash, I’m conerned about two very serious skin rashes, so please follow-up with a medical practiioner soon.
Thank you,
Michael W. Cashman MD, MPH, MHA