Need To Detox?

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.
For Your Health & Wellness
Educational Purposes
There are many examples of detoxifications. Some examples include:
Experts are now predicting that everyone potentially takes about 700 contaminants within their body.
This includes not only the environmental factors, but also dietary factors as well. Certain bacteria are well-known causes of food poisonings. The symptoms in such cases are specific to the organism’s ability to cause disease. These symptoms are the result of the activity of their specific toxic substance, which just so happen to be synthesized by the bacteria itself.
These toxic-substances are generally two representations, those released into extracellular fluids that cause disease without assistance from the living bacteria at the time of ingestion. Toxic substances that are formed intracellularly, synthesized by the bacteria after their invasion into the host. These two types of toxic-substances are known, individually, as exotoxins and endotoxins.
Environmental toxins are all around us, from the food we eat and water we drink, as well as the products we use. Toxins have been found in our beauty products, household cleaners, carpets, furniture, mattresses, and (can you believe it?) our household dust.
The chemicals used to make our children's pajamas and other consumer products able to be flame retardant show up in our water, wildlife, and human breast milk. Regularly used fire retardant chemicals have been linked to numerous health difficulties.
Researchers discovered the chemicals were to blame for:
- Thyroid disruption
- Early onset of puberty
- Cognitive problems
- Delayed mental and physical development
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. Used in our plastic containers, it mimics Estrogen in the body and can increase your risk of certain cancers, hormonal and reproductive disorders.
Food-borne mycotoxins are poisonous chemical compounds produced by specific fungi.
There are a large number of these compounds, however, a few of them are regularly found in food and animal feed.
Those that do occur in food have great significance in the health of humans and livestock. Because they are produced by fungi, these mycotoxins are related to diseased or rotten-crops. Some food-borne mycotoxins are acute symptoms of critical illness that develop very quickly.
Other mycotoxins occur in food have chronic or combined effects on health, including the induction of cancers and immune deficiency.
The food-borne mycotoxins, which might be the greatest consequence for human health in tropical and developing countries, are the fumonisins and aflatoxins. Fumonisins were discovered around 1988 with little information on the toxicology. Now there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity. Aflatoxins were discovered over 30 years ago, with a great deal of research, which were found as potent human carcinogens interfering with the functions of the immune system.
Residues of Aflatoxin B. and its metabolite, Aflatoxin M., can occur in animal products, including milk. Aflatoxin M is also found in human breast milk if the mother consumes food containing Aflatoxin B1. It is clear that exposure to aflatoxins is hazardous to human health.
The fungi that produce the mycotoxins in our foods will fall into two groups: those that penetrate before harvest, commonly called field fungi, and those that occur only after harvest, called storage fungi.