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Dr. Mishal Abdullah


Dr. Mishal Abdullah is a top Rheumatologist in Glenville, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Mishal Abdullah is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Mishal Abdullah is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Mishal Abdullah is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Glenville, New York, Dr. Mishal Abdullah is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
19 years Experience
Dr. Mishal Abdullah
  • Knoxville, TN
  • Dow Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Sensitivity to Vibration

Good morning, Conditions such as RA or OA do not typically cause symptoms such as described by you. Fibromyalgia does increase sensitivity of the nerves but whether that is the READ MORE
Good morning,

Conditions such as RA or OA do not typically cause symptoms such as described by you. Fibromyalgia does increase sensitivity of the nerves but whether that is the cause of symptoms or something else is the problem is a good question. If there is concern for alternate cause the one would consider evaluation by a Neurologist or an ENT physician. Vibration and ringing sounds sometimes originates in the inner ear. If unhelpful then maybe optimization of the fibromyalgia and exploring relaxation techniques would be beneficial.

I hope this helps.

Mishal Abdullah.

Sexual Contact get Lupus?

Good evening,

No it is not. Lupus is an autoimmune disease and is not an infection of any kind; it is not transmitted through sexual contact.

Mishal Abdullah

Severe foot pain

Yes, RA certainly can affect the feet. Medications such as Humira are good choices for active RA and it is possible and likely that one would expect benefit once the Humira is READ MORE
Yes, RA certainly can affect the feet. Medications such as Humira are good choices for active RA and it is possible and likely that one would expect benefit once the Humira is started.

Mishal Abdullah

Is constant burning pain connected to fibromyalgia

Good afternoon, Fibromyalgia can certainly cause a variety of symptoms and pain with achiness, soreness, burning, tingling and generalized fatigue. It is however important to READ MORE
Good afternoon,

Fibromyalgia can certainly cause a variety of symptoms and pain with achiness, soreness, burning, tingling and generalized fatigue. It is however important to rule out other causes of symptoms before attributing symptoms to fibromyalgia. Conditions such as degenerative disk disease of the spine, neuropathy and muscle disease are just a few things that do need to be considered. Considering the burning and weakness mentioned it would probably be reasonable to ensure nothing else is causing such symptoms; a specialist such as a neurologist or rheumatologist may be able help delineate further. If other conditions and alternate explanations are ruled out then fibromyalgia can be considered. In this situation treatment is aimed at minimizing symptoms and improving function with medications and other measures.

I hope this helps.

Mishal Abdullah.

What is the treatement process for Lyme disease?

Good afternoon, 1st line treatment for Lymes disease is Doxycycline for 21-28 days; sometimes 14 days treatment is used instead. In situations where the is an allergy to Doxycycline, READ MORE
Good afternoon,

1st line treatment for Lymes disease is Doxycycline for 21-28 days; sometimes 14 days treatment is used instead. In situations where the is an allergy to Doxycycline, or in cases not responsive to Doxycycline, other antibiotics are used. Amoxicillin is not the antibiotic of choice unless there are contraindications to 1st line treatments. Sometimes in chronic or complicated disease intravenous antibiotics are also used.

I hope this helps.

Mishal Abdullah.

I have a dull feeling and pain in my wrist. Is it the start of arthritis?

Good evening, Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis affects most people in a variety of ways and in a variety of joints. The symptoms of dull pain with extension to fingers READ MORE
Good evening,

Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis affects most people in a variety of ways and in a variety of joints. The symptoms of dull pain with extension to fingers however would be a bit more suspicious for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a fairly common condition whereby a nerve in the wrist gets irritated and injured leading to dull achy pain in the wrist and hand often with tingling, burning and numbness. Often people with this condition are woken up at night due to numbness and achiness in the hand which improves with wiggling or shaking the hand. Using a splint for carpal tunnel at night often leads to gradual improvement in symptoms although it is always wise to seek an evaluation to clarify the exact cause which often is possible with a physical exam, some imaging studies and possibly some blood tests.

Mishal Abdullah.

My dad has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Is surgery required for him?

Good afternoon, Osteoarthritis is simply "wear and tear" damage to joints that accumulates over years based on several factors including activity, genetic, body habitus, etc. READ MORE
Good afternoon,

Osteoarthritis is simply "wear and tear" damage to joints that accumulates over years based on several factors including activity, genetic, body habitus, etc. Management for OA includes several different options and to a certain extent follows a sequence, with less dangerous/less invasive options tried first and, in case of lack of benefit, more aggressive measures are pursued. Such options may include:

- Oral pain relievers, such as OTC Tylenol (safest) or NSAIDs (Advil/Aleve, etc.); initially, these can be taken as needed, but as symptoms worsen, one can consider using these regularly whilst being monitored to ensure no major side effects develop.
- Topical pain relievers, such as topical NSAIDs (Voltaren) or other pain medications
- Steroid injections, especially for knees
- Viscosupplementation injections (Synvisc, etc.); these are typically done by orthopedics, but a lot of rheumatologists also perform these.
- Physical therapy

If all these measures have been tried and failed, or damage to the knee is significant based on imaging and symptoms, then surgery may be an appropriate option. If appropriate, any of the options listed above could be tried before proceeding with surgery based on patient preference and physician advice/expertise.

Yours sincerely,

Mishal Abdullah, M.D.