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Dr. Richard J. Staller


Dr. Richard Staller is a Dentist practicing in Delray Beach, Florida. Dr. Staller is on staff at Delray Medical Center and West Boca Medical Center where he performed the hospital’s first operating room general dentistry case. Dr. Staller is the official team dentist for Florida Atlantic University and is President of the Owl Club, as well as a team dentist for the U.S. Olympics.

Dr. Richard J. Staller
Specializes in:
  • Dental Bridges
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Gum Disease
  • Dental Health
  • Accepting new patients

Will being on a liquid diet affect my teeth in any way?

You should be fine! Just continue with all of your regular home care procedures.  

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

Do I need braces to get rid of the gap in my teeth?

Each case is different so it is hard to give you a definitive answer. Veneers are a possibility. Still you may want to explore Invisalign

What can be done for chipped tooth?

Depending on how badly the tooth is broken determines the options. But many times, simple bonding can remedy the situation.


Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

What can I do about my sensitive teeth?

See your dentist to first determine the reason why. Many times it can be cured very easily with certain home products. If not, it may be a dental issue. Sincerely, Richard READ MORE
See your dentist to first determine the reason why. Many times it can be cured very easily with certain home products. If not, it may be a dental issue.


Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

How long will a teeth whitening treatment last?

The most important part of teeth whitening is the maintenance afterwards! There are several ways to maintain your whiter teeth after they are treated. Check with your dentist to READ MORE
The most important part of teeth whitening is the maintenance afterwards! There are several ways to maintain your whiter teeth after they are treated. Check with your dentist to see how.

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

I have a pain coming from my back tooth. What should I do?

See your dental as soon as you can. Nothing is worse than a toothache!!


Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

I have halitosis. Is there a permanent solution to help with this?

First, check with your dentist to see if it is a dental issue. If not, then an ENT or a GI doc. It can be fixed!! 

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

Do dental whitening toothpastes contain bleach?

Some toothpastes have a peroxide base that will help to whiten teeth. Check the labels for this!! 

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

My dental filling keeps coming out. What should I do?

Many times, the fillings are too large and there is not enough tooth structure to hold the filling in. In this case, a crown is required to better support and protect the remaining READ MORE
Many times, the fillings are too large and there is not enough tooth structure to hold the filling in. In this case, a crown is required to better support and protect the remaining tooth.


Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

How long will I have to wait for my next session after first round of root canal?

Usually, our endodontist finishes the cases in one visit.

Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

Can you suggest some way to reduce sensitivity?

One of the best products to help is called MI paste or MI one. Daily use will lessen your sensitivity.


Richard J. Staller, D.D.S.

I had a root canal and the same tooth is hurting again. What should I do?

A tooth many times is sensitive after having treatment. This is true especially with biting forces. If it persists, go back and have it evaluated.

What should I do for my chipped tooth?

Let your dentist look at the tooth. Depending on how much damage was done, will depend the necessary treatment.  

Are whitening toothpastes bad for the teeth?

There are many brands available. Some of them even have fluoride. They should be fine to use.

Does clove oil really work in easing tooth pain?

It actually does!!!!  This was always known as the "stuff" that smells like a dental office. But I would encourage you to go and see what is hurting as soon it will not help anymore.   READ MORE
It actually does!!!!  This was always known as the "stuff" that smells like a dental office. But I would encourage you to go and see what is hurting as soon it will not help anymore.

My daughter has a cut inside of her mouth from falling. How can I rule out any infection?

Most likely, it is not infected but still painful. I would recommend that it be evaluated as soon as possible!! 

Can a tooth abscess be seen on an X-ray?

Yes!! Many times a patient will have no symptoms but we can detect a problem on the film. 

How effective is clove oil to reduce tooth pain?

My suggestion is that if you have to use this material you better get into your dental office. 

Front tooth cavity

The size of the filling really will determine the best restoration. If it is too large to replace the filling then a porcelain veneer or crown is the next best choice

How can I close the gap between my frontal teeth?

For the best long term results in most cases braces are probably the best option. The next most conservative option would be ceramic veneers on the two front teeth. This will READ MORE
For the best long term results in most cases braces are probably the
best option. The next most conservative option would be ceramic veneers on
the two front teeth. This will also give you a great look with positive

Dr. Richard J. Staller