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Dr. Richard J. Staller


Dr. Richard Staller is a Dentist practicing in Delray Beach, Florida. Dr. Staller is on staff at Delray Medical Center and West Boca Medical Center where he performed the hospital’s first operating room general dentistry case. Dr. Staller is the official team dentist for Florida Atlantic University and is President of the Owl Club, as well as a team dentist for the U.S. Olympics.

Dr. Richard J. Staller
Specializes in:
  • Dental Bridges
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Gum Disease
  • Dental Health
  • Accepting new patients

Is a root canal during pregnancy safe?

It is perfectly safe to have the treatment that you need. Check with your
doctor to see if there are any issues if the dentist needs to place you on

I don't understand how I got Periodontal disease

There is a definitive link between periodontal issues and genetics. Great home care and great dental treatment are also important. Follow all of your dentist's and hygienists READ MORE
There is a definitive link between periodontal issues and genetics. Great
home care and great dental treatment are also important. Follow all of your
dentist's and hygienists recommendations. Make sure your dental office
is doing a periodontal assessment at least once a year when they measure
all of the areas around your teeth.

What if only one tooth is crooked?

Certainly each tooth and patient will require different solutions. But we can now do minor tooth movement without conventional braces and get a great result

What is a dry socket?

Dry socket does not happen that often but when it does can be very painfully. It most often occurs after a lower tooth is extracted. Usually it happens several days after the READ MORE
Dry socket does not happen that often but when it does can be very painfully. It most often occurs after a lower tooth is extracted. Usually it happens several days after the extraction has taken place. The surgeon will treat it by placing a medication in the socket and prescribing a medication and rinse to solve the problem.

Dr. Richard J. Staller

Team Dentist, Florida Atlantic University

I can't fix my teeth sensitivity. What do I do?

There are toothpastes that can help with sensitivity, but if this is not an effective option for you, there are other options. Some of the options include in office treatments READ MORE
There are toothpastes that can help with sensitivity, but if this is not an effective option for you, there are other options. Some of the options include in office treatments or other products that are used at home. The first step is to determine where the sensitivity is coming from. This is best determined by a dentist. We have many patients that have experienced sensitivity and have worked with them to provide the best option. We are more than happy to help you too!

Very swollen and red gums after routine dental cleaning

While each patient's needs are different there are several items to consider. Did you have a complete examination and a periodontal assessment during your visit? Were digital READ MORE
While each patient's needs are different there are several items to consider. Did you have a complete examination and a periodontal assessment during your visit? Were digital films taken and evaluated? Normally, after several days, you should feel much better. Sometimes, this is an indication of other concerns such as medical issues. I recommend you contact the doctor's office where you had the treatment done and share your concerns with them. If you still need assistance, please contact our office.