Hadassah M. Kupfer
Dr. Hadassah Kupfer is a hearing aid audiologist practicing in BROOKLYN, NY. Dr. Kupfer evaluates, diagnoses and treats hearing loss and tinnitus in adults and older adults. As an audiologist, Dr. Kupfer prescribes and fits the optimal hearing aids, hearing protection and other modern hearing therapies - all in a private and comfortable setting in NYC. She focuses on long-term wellness: social participation, productivity, independence and brain health.
10 years
Hadassah M. Kupfer
- CUNY Graduate Center
- Accepting new patients
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What causes a ringing sound in the ears?
This is usually a sign of hearing loss. She should see an audiologist and take the necessary steps to treat her hearing loss (usually this means prescription hearing aids), and READ MORE
This is usually a sign of hearing loss. She should see an audiologist and take the necessary steps to treat her hearing loss (usually this means prescription hearing aids), and most likely she will get relief from the ringing you describe. Feel better!
With these symptoms and at age 16, I would recommend seeing an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist to rule out sinus problems and/or other swelling in the head.
I hope you READ MORE
With these symptoms and at age 16, I would recommend seeing an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist to rule out sinus problems and/or other swelling in the head.
I hope you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better soon.