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Gina Caputo

Dermatologist | Procedural Dermatology

Dr. Gina Caputo is a dermatologist practicing in Newark, DE. Dr. Caputo specializes in skin care. Dermatologists evaluate and manage both common and uncommon skin conditions. These conditions include acne, psoriasis, warts, skin infections, atopic dermatitis, herpes simplex and more. Dermatologists are also experts in more complex skin diseases like impetigo, hidradenitis and milaria. Dr. Caputo diagnoses skin problems and develops unique treatments plans for each individual patient.
12 years Experience
Gina Caputo
  • Newark, DE
  • PCOM
  • Accepting new patients

How to prepare for Mohs surgery?

It is important that you talk to your surgeon regarding if there are any medications he or she wants you to stop and how long prior to the surgery. I think mentally preparing for READ MORE
It is important that you talk to your surgeon regarding if there are any medications he or she wants you to stop and how long prior to the surgery. I think mentally preparing for the chance that you May be there all day and will have to take it easy afterwards for a bit. Each surgery is different and can range from minor to extensive so preparing for that based off of your personal set of circumstances may also be a good idea as well.

Gina M. Caputo, D.O.